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D.I.Y. portable bike stand

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D.I.Y. portable bike stand



We recently had our council hard rubbish clean up so figured it was a good time to organise the storage under our stairs. Our biggest problem was all the bikes, scooters etc. I needed something that I could move the bikes easily when needing to access the storage behind them. So using some timber and bike hooks I bought from Bunnings I created this bike stand on castors. Can’t believe how easy it is now to store them away and move them. After measuring the heights, widths I needed and then cutting all the lengths I was able to knock it over in a day.




Kind of a Big Deal

Re: D.I.Y. portable bike stand

An inspiring solution! 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: D.I.Y. portable bike stand

Hi Tara

The instructions are great, it would have taken me ages to write out the instructions, well done.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: D.I.Y. portable bike stand

Are you considering making one of these bike stands @JoeAzza? We'd love to following along as you do. Please let us know if you need any assistance or would like to share your results with us.




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Re: D.I.Y. portable bike stand

Hi  Mitchell

Sorry not doing a bike stand yet, I redoing my portable work table, to make the legs folding, I will post as soon as it’s done, I have already started altering it.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: D.I.Y. portable bike stand

Hi @JoeAzza,


That sounds like a terrific project. I need a portable work table with folding legs so I'll be eagerly waiting to see what you come up with.


Please keep us updated.




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Re: D.I.Y. portable bike stand

Indeed. Agree.

Getting Established

Re: D.I.Y. portable bike stand

Hi @MitchellMc


 I am looking at doing something similar with my family's bikes, I have bike though so I was wondering how I would increase the width for example for this to allow for 5 bikes? possible?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: D.I.Y. portable bike stand

Hi @Sn0wy,


That appears to be a relatively simple adjustment to accommodate your five bicycles. All you need to do is extend the horizontal timbers per the design I've put together for you below.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Getting Established

Re: D.I.Y. portable bike stand

amazing mitchell! thats what I want to achieve!, so in terms of 70x35mm timber my next question is how do I minimize wastage when buying the timber?, e.g how many pieces at what length would be the best way to go for my cuts ?, hope that makes sense


thanks again!, really like this forum!

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: D.I.Y. portable bike stand

For the project, the horizontal sections appear to be 47cm @Sn0wy. So, for five bikes, it should be around 117.5cm, and you'll need four sections. However, if it were me, I'd build the rest of it, lay it out on the ground, space it out for your bicycles, and then measure across it for your cuts.


If you bought four sections of 2.4m long, you'll get two 117.5cm lengths out of each with minimal wastage. For the rest of the project, the longer the length you can take home, the less waste you'll have. It's when you try and use shorter lengths that wastage becomes a significant factor. Taking a look at the sizes of parts, I think 2.4m lengths would be suitable. Most of the lengths are devisable into that.




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