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Getting Established
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Getting Established

Hi @Dave-1 Glad you like the shed. It’s spring here in Auckland and inside the shed has been very comfortable through the winter - the insulation is w ...

Getting Established
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2 weeks ago

Hi FrantzJosef, thanks for the kind words and for the questiion re lateral stability… look closely at the photos… there are metal brackets joining eac ...

Getting Established
1 reply
a month ago

Hi Jacob, thanks for the kind words. ‘Glad you like the shed… The windows and ranchslider came from a demolition yard - good recycling… A friend named ...

Getting Established
8 replies

We needed a shed for my special needs son Max and I to build planter boxes and for other projects. The quotes to have the shed built professionally we ...

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Getting Established
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a month ago

Hi Jacob, thanks for the kind words. ‘Glad you like the shed… The windows and ranchslider came from a demolition yard - good recycling… A friend named ...

Getting Established
8 replies

We needed a shed for my special needs son Max and I to build planter boxes and for other projects. The quotes to have the shed built professionally we ...

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