Community Manager
Community Manager

A very warm welcome


Workshop community update #58


Hi all,


We are pleased that Workshop is now being promoted on the Bunnings website, which is helping to introduce the community and your projects to a new audience. We’ll be doing a lot more promotion in the coming months to really spread the word.


Let me extend a very warm welcome to our latest Workshop members. It’s great to have you join the community. Please introduce yourself and make yourself at home, whether it’s sharing some photos of your projects or asking a question or two.


New member @jaga made a great start this week by sharing a fantastic kitchen renovation project. Check it out, I’m sure Jamie would love any feedback.


Another new member @CharlieG also impressed the community with her D.I.Y. craft bench she posted on the gallery. You can see more pictures of the project on her album.


Some of the other popular Workshop posts from the past week included:







Some Workshop members are still looking for help. Do you have any advice for @Gwandalan_Tales about the practicality of farmhouse sinks?


Special thanks to our top contributors to Workshop this week. The members who posted the most popular content in the past seven days were @JoshRaf, @darylhewston, @jaga, @bergs and @Andadams. Thanks again for your terrific contribution to the community.


I hope you have all read this week’s member profile on DarylHewston. Daryl is a super-helpful member of the Workshop community and it was great to get to know him a little better. Thanks again to Daryl for sharing his story, and so regularly sharing his expertise.



Community Manager


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Why join the Bunnings Workshop community?

Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects