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How to fix lengthwise gaps in laminate floor?

Getting Established

How to fix lengthwise gaps in laminate floor?

Flooring is 2 years old. Start seeing floor boards are unlocked lengthwise and gap is around 2mm. Please recommend best solution to lock them back?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix lengthwise gaps in laminate floor?

Hello @pratapc 


Welcome to the Bunnings workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your laminate flooring.


I suggest removing your floor beading or skirting board that is covering up the edge of your laminate flooring. I then recommend using the Capitol Laminate Floor DIY Installation Kit, specifically the steel angle bar kit that allows you to pull the laminate flooring forward. I've placed an image below and it is the tool in the center, you can use either a hammer or a rubber mallet to hit the tool to pull the laminate flooring together.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.





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Getting Established

Re: How to fix lengthwise gaps in laminate floor?

Hi @EricL 

Thanks for the quick reply.


The board which is unlocked is at center of the room. Do you want me to remove boards from edge of the flooring all the way to unlocked one and put them back again?






Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix lengthwise gaps in laminate floor?

Hi @pratapc,


Could you share some images of the gap with us? Let me know if you need a hand uploading them.


If the gap is near the edge of the room, you may be able to use the Capitol Laminate Floor DIY Installation Kit to pull the boards back together. However, if the gap is in the middle of the room, using the tool at the edge is unlikely to close it. In that case, you may need to remove the flooring from one side of the gap to reposition the boards properly.


It’s also worth investigating why the gap has appeared. A gap in the middle often suggests that the boards on one side have gradually shifted toward the wall. Checking the perimeter of your flooring for any expansion issues or loose boards might help prevent further movement.


Let me tag @Nailbag to get his thoughts on this as well. 


Please let us know if you have any questions.




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Re: How to fix lengthwise gaps in laminate floor?

Hi @MitchellMc,
Image1.jpeg Image2.jpeg

Please see attached images. 


Home Improvement Guru

Re: How to fix lengthwise gaps in laminate floor?

Hi @pratapc 


I admit to having old eyes - but to me, it looks more like a height change rather than a lengthwise gap?

If the boards are the laminate covered MDF with the 'click' system - my thought is the MDF has split in this section.

If you stand on that join (first photo) does it go down to meet the height of the adjacent board?


Getting Established

Re: How to fix lengthwise gaps in laminate floor?

Hi @Noyade 

You are right,

Yes - If I stand on the join, its going down to meet the height of the adjacent board.





Home Improvement Guru

Re: How to fix lengthwise gaps in laminate floor?

What's underneath the boards @pratapc  - concrete or wood?

Getting Established

Re: How to fix lengthwise gaps in laminate floor?

Hi @Noyade 

It's concrete floor.




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix lengthwise gaps in laminate floor?

Do you know if these are laminate board @pratapc, or perhaps they are hybrid vinyl planks?


I agree with @Noyade that this looks to be more of a distortion of the boards than a gap. You'd likely need to replace the affected boards or at least work out what is causing the bulge.




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