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Bedroom build with custom bed

Making a Splash
Making a Splash


An old laundry transformed into a bedroom with new cupboards and shelving, a Queen-sized foldable bed, as well as Acacia flooring. 



The project


This room was originally an oversized laundry. I relocated the laundry and decided to make this into a multipurpose spare bedroom.


Step 1

I first started by repairing the wall so I could start with a sturdy foundation. Then I framed the cupboards around the outside of the room, making the doors from FJ panel and Pine. The benchtops were made from Acacia timber. The open shelves have hidden compartments for extra storage.






Step 2

The queen-sized bed was the last thing to do before the flooring. I made it so that when not needed, it could fold up into a day lounge. The cushions I had custom made.




Step 3

Finally I installed the floating floor, before adding the architrave and any final painting. I then added a splash of colour with the blue/green decor.




And here you have it.




Tools and materials


Materials used in the project:



Tools used in the project:



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