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How to mount a caravan splashback?

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How to mount a caravan splashback?

I am renovating a caravan and bought the Decor 8 Beige Java Marble Mosiac Tiles to use them for the kitchen splashback. Since the existing splashback is laminate, I have read that you can't attach tiles to it as the glue won't stick to that surface. I bought some plywood and used a Davco brand of tile adhesive for stone  to attach the tiles to that, then my plan was to glue and screw the tiled ply to the walls. The adhesive just cracked and the tiles fell off. I have since read to attach the tiles to fibro first but am concerned about the extra weight. Any advice on the minimum depth of fibro to use and which tile adhesive is the best or does anybody know of any glue I could use so that I can attach the tiles directly to the laminate. As it's for a caravan, I would have to use something flexible. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Caravan Splashback

Hi @KellieN,


I'm sorry to hear you've had an issue with your tiling project. I'd recommend you install a sheet of James Hardie 1800 x 1200 x 6mm 2.16m² Ceramic Tile Underlay Flooring or Villaboard onto the wall and then tile over that. The timber could have worked, but it's important to have the substrate fixed before adding your tiles. Any flexing of the board will cause the adhesive to delaminate. The adhesive you have now should be fine to use. You can use Davco 1L PrimeX Surface Primer to increase the bonding capabilities of your adhesive.


Depending on the splashback size, a piece of fibro shouldn't add that much weight.


Laminate is an ultra-slick surface, and paint and adhesives find it difficult to adhere to, especially adhesives. I'm not aware of any adhesive that would be suitable for going directly over the laminate.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: Caravan Splashback

Thankyou so much Mitchell,  will use those products and try again. One other question,  would liquid nails be okay to glue the board onto the laminate. ( I will screw as well) I have roughened up the laminate surface already hoping that it may help with adhesion.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Caravan Splashback

That should be fine, @KellieN.




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