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Wall removed to open up space

Making a Splash

Wall removed to open up space

We bought our 1962 highblock house mid 2022 and decided right away that we wanted to open up between the lounge and kitchen to improve airflow and allow more light in. From there it only took another 2 1/2yrs to complete the idea. 

 Lounge sideLounge sideKitchen sideKitchen side


(all materials listed are from Bunnings)

915 x 610mm 4.8mm masonite

Porta 30x8mm 2.7m Meranti Rounded Edging Bead

Meranti 30x30mm 2.7m external corner 

Gap filler



Pry bar


Multifunction tool 

Reciprocating saw

Nail gun

Caulking gun

Putty knife



Step 1

Within weeks of moving in we removed the masonite off both sides to explore and then left it like this for a few months. 😅 


Step 2

It wasn't long before we removed more of the wall so we could walk directly down the hall from the loungeroom instead of walking around. The reciprocating saw with a demolition blade sliced through the nails and timber with ease. 
Quite unsafe with exposed wiring but just us, no kids at home.
In the meantime, I prepped and painted most of the interior of the house, hence all the drop sheets etc. 


Step 3

After 2 years and grandkids now living much closer, we finally removed the wall completely. Not knowing if it was load bearing or not, we had a builder put an LVL beam above the ceiling out of sight. We actually got him to remove the remainder of the wall while he was here as I wasn't sure I'd be able to remove the top and bottom without damaging the floor. I managed to get the cornice off before this just in case we needed it. 
We also had an electrician move the light switch and power point as well as removed the fan from where the beam was going and install 2 new fans in kitchen and lounge. 

Step 4

Lucky I saved the all of the cornice and skirting from the removed wall to use because while prepping, I stuck my finger into a termite eaten length and had to remove more than I intended. 😭  Using a multifunction tool, I cut the damaged section out and replaced using a nailgun to secure the new piece up there. 
The termite damage was from about 5 yrs ago when previous owners had a lot of damaged areas replaced but this was obviously missed. No live critters were found and no damage in framing or masonite behind it. 


I also salvaged the piece of masonite from the end of the wall to use for the gap in the ceiling. I used Bunnings masonite to fill the gap in the wall and the meranti to cover the vertical joins, matching in with the opposite corner in the hallway. I also had horizontal joins as I used 915mm masonite, I used gap filler for them and putty for the nail holes.




Step 5

After 2 1/2 yrs, we finally have an open plan kitchen/dining/loungeroom. This is our only wall with the woodgrain masonite so I wanted to use a different colour to the other walls to highlight it. 


I still have to replace mouldings on the ceiling but what's the rush? I'll get there one day, just don't look up 😎

Next job on the list is the kitchen ..... not enough bench space and drawer faces keep falling off 🙄 

Instagram @twocutekelpies
Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Wall removed to open up space

Hi @twocutekelpies,


As long as you get there in the end and have some happy memories along the way, slow and steady is a great way to carry out projects. The ceiling finish work will get there eventually and like you said, "just don't look up".


You've done a fantastic job opening up the space and creating an open-plan kitchen and lounge room area. 


I love a good kitchen project, so I'm very excited to see the next phase of the renovation.  


Thank you for sharing.




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