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How to repaint cement laundry tubs?



Our cement  laundry tubs need a repaint. It was done years ago but suspect it wasn't done properly as it went spotty etc quite quickly.

How do I go about doing it properly?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: repainting cement laundry tubs

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @redher. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about repainting concrete troughs.

I am unaware of any paint designed for submersion in sinks that's also compatible with concrete. We have paints such as White Knight 500ml White Tub And Basin Paint and Rust-Oleum Tub And Tile Refinishing Kit but they are designed for substrates like tile, painted coatings, metal surfaces, ceramic and porcelain. As they are not designed for concrete, their lifespan and ability to adhere to it are unknown. Of all our paints, they would be the closest to your needs, but using them would be at your own risk. With proper pre-work, I imagine they'd work quite well.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Re: repainting cement laundry tubs

Hi, thanks for the reply. I had a thought... what about the paint they use on driveways? I don't use the tubs if I have to soak anything in. I have buckets for that.

What do you think? 

Thanks Ann 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: repainting cement laundry tubs

Once again, since concrete driveway paints are not designed for sinks, I'm unable to determine whether they would work @redher; they most probably would, though. I'd still choose the tile paint as it's designed to adhere to grout, which is cement-based and very similar to concrete.




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Re: repainting cement laundry tubs

Thanks for the quick reply. Can I ask another question pls? It's about prepping the surface... do we have to take all of the paint off? I'd forgotten about this aspect of it. 😜

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: repainting cement laundry tubs

Hello @redher 


The good news is that it's not necessary to take off all the paint. However, a thorough sanding of the surface will be necessary, if you are meticulous with your sanding and not miss any area, you'll get a good surface for the paint to anchor onto. Each product have their own steps to prepare, I suggest reading them carefully and following them as diligently as possible.


Please remember to wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles and a paint rated mask. Please make sure that you have good ventilation and leave the doors and windows open to prevent trapping the fumes of the paint.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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