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Finding My Feet
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Finding My Feet
1 reply
a month ago

Thanks for the quick reply. Can I ask another question pls? It's about prepping the surface... do we have to take all of the paint off? I'd forgotten ...

Finding My Feet
3 replies
a month ago

Hi, thanks for the reply. I had a thought... what about the paint they use on driveways? I don't use the tubs if I have to soak anything in. I have bu ...

Finding My Feet
5 replies

    Our cement laundry tubs need a repaint. It was done years ago but suspect it wasn't done properly as it went spotty etc quite quickly. How do I ...

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Bunnings Team Member EricL
Bunnings Team Member
a month ago

Hello @redher The good news is that it's not necessary to take off all the paint. However, a thorough sanding of the surface will be necessary, if ...

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