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How to change a washer in a double laundry tap?

Finding My Feet

How to change a washer in a double laundry tap?

We purchased these taps from Bunnings about 6 months ago. Now the outlet over the tub is dripping.  There are no leaks any where, just over the tub. How do I fix this? 



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Re: How to change a washer in a double laundry tap?

Hello @Halimah 🖐

I'm afraid I wont be of much use either as I've never dismantled let alone seen one of these taps before, however every leak I have experienced through the body of a tap fixture has been due to a failed o-ring seal on the threaded shaft.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to change a washer in a double laundry tap?

Hi @Halimah,


As @DIYGnome has mentioned, water leakage from a handle is typically due to damaged o-rings on the spindle. I'd recommend you change the ones seen in your image as yours look to have some damage.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: How to change a washer in a double laundry tap?

I am trying to work out how to change one of these too. I have a brand new hot tap like this which I want to use on the leaking cold tap. I'm confused as to why the hot tap is longer than the cold one since they are a set, but I still need to replace it. Where can I buy a washer? Although the tap is new, the washer leaks. I need a better one. Thanks. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to change a washer in a double laundry tap?

Hello @Cedes, 


I suggest having a look at the Syneco 3 - 22mm O Rings Assorted Set - 225 Pieces. You're bound to find a compatible size in the mix.


Once you've replaced the O ring make sure to apply a generous amount of Kinetic 15g Tap Lubricant to prevent tearing up the newly installed O rings.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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