The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.
A comprehensive laundry makeover with new cupboards, benchtop, sink and taps.
Our laundry was dated, lacked storage and was in need of a renovation.
Demolition. We removed the old basin and tiles off the wall.
New cabinets went in and taps were relocated.
Benchtop and sink were next.
Wall panelling was installed, next taps, and finally cupboard handles.
Materials used in the project:
Tools used in the project
Bunnings Workshop member olimpiacalleja completed a 98-year-old laundry makeover including new insulation, plasterboard, mezzanine and flat-pack cabinetry.
Community member Rufaro renovated a European-style laundry complete with new cabinetry, sink and laminate marble-look benchtop in his budget laundry makeover.
Get more inspiration from our Top 10 most popular laundry projects.
Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects