The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.

What project do you want to tackle next?

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Community Manager

What project do you want to tackle next?

Many people have long lists of projects they would love to tackle around the house and garden.


We'd love to hear from you about the one project you want to get stuck into next. 


Let us know by replying below.


I'm sure the rest of the Workshop community will be more than happy to give you some advice and help along the way. 



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Making a Splash

Re: What project do you want to tackle next?

After smashing out a few of my smaller projects over Easter - my plans are to go all out on my backyard for the forseeable future. 


I've started documenting my plans and my progress on the project here: Backyard Makover. I'm really excited about this project as once it's done I'll finally feel like my new home is finished. 


I was also inspired last night by @Darren's vertical garden project  and will probably take a stab at making my own once I have finished painting my fence.

Amassing an Audience

Re: What project do you want to tackle next?

I have some painting I need to do but the weather has been terrible recently.

Re: What project do you want to tackle next?

@Kermit - I'm hoping to get out in the backyard rain, hail or shine. But fingers crossed the rain holds off as I'd love to get some more of my fence painted. 


I've wasted away all of the good weather time earlier this year.

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: What project do you want to tackle next?



Add in floor kit and Ekodeck flooring, pita as it's spot is over the old rainwater tank drain and it slopes as well.


Also looking to go solar for recharging the garden tool batteries.

Getting Established

Re: What project do you want to tackle next?

I need to paint my bathroom. I just asked for some help in another post. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: What project do you want to tackle next?

Great project @Brad. You going to do it all yourself or getting a hand? 



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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: What project do you want to tackle next?

Will be me, myself and I. I think with some new corner clamps I can avoid asking next door to hold panels for me. Electrical side is plug and play, so main problem will be finding the bits to do it.


Anyway is a good excuse to get a 18v metal saw, 18v SDS+ drill and a flash mitre saw.


Finding My Feet

Re: What project do you want to tackle next?

I am going to make a water feature using a garden pot to be placed outside my bedroom window. Also will enhance the look with some new plants.
Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: What project do you want to tackle next?

Sounds like a great project @Mrevzy. Looking forward to seeing what you do. 


Let me also extend a very warm welcome to Workshop. It's fantastic to have you join the community. I'm sure all our members are keen to read more about your projects and plans. Please post again soon.



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Why join the Bunnings Workshop community?

Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects