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How to build a Bonsai shadehouse?

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How to build a Bonsai shadehouse?


I'm wanting to build a shade house structure similar to the below with pine posts and shade cloth across the top

Needing some help with a material list please. Will likely be 8m long & 2m deep

372416230_1021710298964108_4926557090843181205_n.jpg 376369439_6976252469074817_405923320553808007_n.jpg


Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: How to build a Bonsai shadehouse?

Hello @Sunshinereno,


Many thanks for your question on building a Bonsai shadehouse. I'm sure our resident D.I.Y. expert @EricL will be able to suggest a material list when he's back on the site later today.


In the meantime, let me tag some of our helpful members @Grub80@alicanterenodb@Dave-1 to see if they have any thoughts. Experienced Workshop member @Adam_W also shares some tips on building a shadehouse in this discussion: Preparing for a timber shed base.


Hope this helps.




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Re: How to build a Bonsai shadehouse?

Good Morning @Sunshinereno 

I was wondering at the fall of your roofline. The low point would be pretty close to knocking someone on the head. Could you have a shallower fall to allow taller access at the front? Looking at your pics, you have the crossbeams at 1.9m also. Are you set on the 4m span bewteen posts as that is a fair distance?  I would probarly think 3m maybe but I am a conservative builder. @EricL will have a lot more knowledge. I will be back a little later after having a think about it :smile: 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to build a Bonsai shadehouse?

Hello @Sunshinereno 


Thank you for sharing your question about building a bonsai shade house. Because of the size of your proposed footprint, I suggest checking the rules and regulations of your local council regarding building this shade house. It would technically fall under building a pergola only without a fixed roof as you'll be using shade cloth as your cover.


Generally, the post most often used are the 100 x 100mm Fence Post Hardwood CCA 3.0m in combination with 90 x 45mm Outdoor Framing MGP10 H3 Treated Pine - 3.0m for framing. But it all depends on the type of structure being built, I recommend engaging the services of a drafts person to draw up a basic plan for your shade house. 


You can then specify your needs and how large you want it to be. It will also answer all your building questions regarding timber size and what fixings to use to keep the structure together. The drafts person will then draw the plan to code and should the council rules require a plan you'll have a formal plan you can submit.


If you are planning on having this shade house for a long time, it would be worth investing in and building it properly. But if you are after just a temporary shade house, I suggest having a look at the Marquee 3 x 3m Roma Non-Permanent Gazebo.


Here are some handy step-by-step guides:



If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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