I made some large Christmas cutout decorations out of MDF board on the CNC Router, ready for paint (and suitable weather proof varnish if to be used outside)
They are carved from 800mm x 600mm x 12mm MDF and have detail carving to help with the painting.
A fun project and hopefully give some kids a little joy in the fast approaching festive season.
They look awesome, @Wayne. How long did each one take to make?
I'd love to see some more photos once you've painted them.
@Wayne, I'm with @Jackson, they do look awesome mate.
I've always been fascinated by CNC machines, but I'd have a hard time convincing Tania that I could make use of one, or be able to *, plus I wouldn't have room for it.
So glad that you're right into your hobby, & able to bring so much joy to others.
* note: I have an expensive stockpile of Plug & Play tech stuff, that I somehow manage to persuade to crash our computer.
Around 15 minutes on the CNC Router.
Hi Wayne,
I love the things that you've made!
I have been looking into CNC machines for a little while now and there is a big difference between ones you can buy on ebay and fully installed from a distributor in Oz - just wondering which one do you use and are you happy with it?
Thanks for joining in the discussion @wolf4eva. I'm sure @Wayne will get back to you as soon as he can.
I just wanted to extend a very warm welcome to Workshop. It's great to have you join the community. It sounds like you are a keen woodworker like Wayne. Please share some of your projects with the community - we'd love to see what you get up to.
Please let me know if you ever need a hand getting the most from the site. I'm sure you will find it is a valuable source of information and inspiration, and plenty of fun.
Hi wolf4eva,
It was very much a headache for me for what to buy when I purchased mine. I was in negotiations and researching Importing a CNC machine direct from China but the value of the Aussie Dollar was falling faster than bowling pins, which in the end meant that anything I bought would cost a further 30% than the stated US$ price from those suppliers.
Having pretty much decided that a machine work area size of 600mm x 900mm would suit my needs and budget I began looking at what was available in Australia.
I ended up buying a Redsail 6090 desktop router from Beyond Tools in Western Australia and had it shipped to Adelaide.
This machine on eBay is pretty much what I have albeit with an 800w spindle whereas mine is 1.5Kw.
You will no doubt incur an Import Duty fee and also GST on top of the price quoted.
This machine has proven reliable for me as a hobbyist and is able to engrave/carve Soft and Hard Woods, Acrylic, Glass and soft Metals like Brass and Aluminium (with the correct cnc router bits)
Feel free to message me if you would like further information.
Regards Wayne
Is CNC routers an area of the market that Bunnings doesn't currently serve @Wayne?
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