The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.

Living and Bedroom

Help for living room and bedroom projects
Cultivating a Following
2 replies

There is a window safety restrictor install in all the upper floor windows in my home. Since I don’t have kids living in the house, I want to remove ...

Community Megastar
2 replies

When I had bought the house I found a dip in the loungeroom floor, over time it had became even more noticable and within the last 6 months it had bec ...

Community Newcomer
4 replies

We have purchased a 1973 built home that has timber floorboards under very old carpet. We know removing the carpet will leave a gap between the skirt ...

Just Starting Out
6 replies

How do i attach one of these to the wall

Finding My Feet
3 replies

I'm painting the dining room and need to get rid of this box. It's not been in use for at least 10 years. Can I just cut the wires, or do I need the e ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

I need to install a sliding security latch lock in my bedroom. Which one will be suitable and any advice how to install without damaging the door

Getting Established
4 replies

Hi,  We bought a lamp shade for our ceiling light without thinking about sizing. We have a batten fix on the ceiling and the wire framing of the l ...

Just Starting Out
7 replies

Hi there, I am looking to reduce noise from my next door neighbours in a rental unit. They have 3 kids who runs and jumps around. The stomping echoe ...

Just Starting Out
5 replies

Hi, I need some advice on modifying this loft bed I want to buy from ikea... ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

I have a perfect set of shelves at a local op shop for creating a library in my home. The only thing is there is a cigarette smell. They are orange at ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

Hi all, My bedroom ceiling fan stop working suddenly one night when it is on. (Both light and fan stop working) Replaced the light blub next day but ...

Just Starting Out
3 replies

Hi, I am planning to build a wooden corner bookshelf. Can you please recommend the timber that should be used for this. I need something that can hold ...

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Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects