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How to attach wall bars to a brick wall?

Just Starting Out

How to attach wall bars to a brick wall?

How do i attach one of these to the wall






Home Improvement Guru

Re: Attach wall bars to the wall

Morning @sandeeprmohanty 


What sort of wall do you have? Brick or gyprock/studs?




(Amazingly and coincidentally, this may be a product @Kingleviathan might be interested in?)

Cultivating a Following

Re: Attach wall bars to the wall

I have brick


What pruduct? The takes me to the forum? 

Home Improvement Guru

Re: Attach wall bars to the wall

"What product?"


The concept above - I added something similar to your thread....

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Attach wall bars to the wall

Hi @sandeeprmohanty,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is wonderful to have you with us.


The manufacturer of your product will have an installation guide that should be followed. This will ensure their product is installed in a safe and warrantable fashion.


I imagine they will call for you to use masonry anchors of a suitable size through the angle brackets on the uprights.


Check out How to hang just about anything for some further guidance.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




Re: Attach wall bars to the wall

It has studs inside the wall. Not sure what the outside material is. Have attached a photo for reference 


Re: Attach wall bars to the wall

Hi @sandeeprmohanty,


So the wall is not a brick wall but a timber-framed wall covered with plasterboard? If that's the case, you'd need to reference the installation guidelines for a timber stud wall. If the instructions only reference a brick wall, you'd need to speak with the manufacturer about whether the unit can be attached to that type of wall. The manufacturer is the best source of information for their product.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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