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what sort of lock could I put on this bedroom door please as it’s not level? Thanks
Hi @Jersey1975,
Thank you for your question about your bedroom door handle.
When you say it is not level, is the door itself not level or is it the handle that isn't level?
If the door isn't level, you may need to adjust the hinges or the frame.
If the handle isn't level, then the fixings may be loose or the internal mechanism has degraded which would mean you need to replace it.
Typically, you would use a privacy lever set for a bedroom as they allow the door to be locked from the inside for privacy purposes. The main thing to check when purchasing a new lock is that the back set, which is the distance from the face of the door to the centre of the handle, is the same.
You might like to check out How To Install a Door Handle for some further guidance.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Thanks so much Jacob
i meant the door isn’t level with the door frame so it sits about 10mm back from the level of the door frame but i guess if installing a brand new door handle that wouldn’t matter? Thanks for your help
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