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How to ensure Kaboodle kickboard clips are placed correctly?

Getting Established

How to ensure Kaboodle kickboard clips are placed correctly?



Hi all,

I’m building an outdoor kitchen with Kaboodle and wanting to know the best way to measure etc to get the clips in the right spot to be able to clip my kickboard in. The stone inserted for bbq section and heat protection. waterfall ends will t complete the kitchen 


see photos 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Kaboodle Kickboard clips

Hi @wilkos 


Thanks for sharing your question about kickboard clips. One way to make sure that the clips line up is to install the clips on the legs first. Place the kickboard horizontally towards the clips and mark their position with a pencil. Use a Craftright 300mm Combination Square to make sure that your lines are straight. Double check your clip positions before you drill into the kickboard.


Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations on how to fit the clips on.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Community Megastar

Re: How to ensure Kaboodle kickboard clips are placed correctly?

Good Evening @wilkos 

Mmmm I havnt used the Kaboodle kickboard clips before. I just looked them up and id follow @EricL 's suggestion to the letter and you shouldnt have a problem.


This is the way I would have done my kickboard (It didnt get done by me but I had worked out the steps. It was the only part I hadnt done when I sold the place)

How To Install Kickboard - DIY At Bunnings in particular at the 2min mark.



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to ensure Kaboodle kickboard clips are placed correctly?

Hi @wilkos 


You're lucky your kick-boards came with clips as the last 3-4 Kaboodle installs came with zip. This is how I do it and how to with the clips.


For clips: Once the kick board is cut to length lay it in front of the opening. Mark with a pencil either side of the adjustable leg posts against the kick board. Use a square to extend the lines to each edge. Position the clip in the middle and screw fix them in place.


Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 10.21.51 PM.png

Before I fix the cabinets to the walls I always adjust the hight of the feet slight above their recommended 145mm to account for floor level imperfections. This saves you planing the kick panels to height if required.


I use a combination square to find the exact depth then add half the thickness of the kick panels. Then draw a line along the top inside edge. Drill countersunk pilot holes and use screws and cover stickers. I make a temp grip handle with painters tape to pull the panel back out if required during this process.


Hope this helps.






Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 10.21.51 PM.png
















Getting Established

Re: How to ensure Kaboodle kickboard clips are placed correctly?

Thanks everyone for your help, kick board in awaiting stone on Thursday and delivery of my Ziggy Turbo classic bbq, will put a pic up of the completed project.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to ensure Kaboodle kickboard clips are placed correctly?

Hi @wilkos,


Looks great! 


Well done on the kickboard install.


Don't forget to update us once the benchtop goes in, I can't wait to see the finished project.




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