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Poll: What's your D.I.Y. skill level?

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Community Manager

Poll: What's your D.I.Y. skill level?

I invite all Workshop members to participate in our latest poll.


The poll question is: What's your D.I.Y. skill level?


The poll can be found on the front page underneath the Join the discussion icons. 


Feel free to chat about the topic in the discussion below. 



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Former Community Member

Re: Poll: What's your D.I.Y. skill level?

I consider myself fairly handy, but there are times when nothing goes right. I'm a glutton for punishment, so never give up until I get it right.

I don't work a full day, but recently I took 2 days to fit a new toilet seat, & most of a morning fitting a showerhead. : (

It's not all doom & gloom, I have great days where I surprise myself at how well a jobs gone. When Tania is surprised that it's finished already, I tell her "it doesn't take me long to do a 5 minute job", or "ah, it's noth'n, it was a shiela job". : P

Having an Impact

Re: Poll: What's your D.I.Y. skill level?

Have just taken the poll and find that I am one of the 80%. That is great as I always start at least three different jobs at once so I have the money and ability to finish at least one and the others get finished later. Not a great way of doing things but they still all get done it's just a case of when. 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Poll: What's your D.I.Y. skill level?

Not sure where I fit, Welder by trade also been a fitter and turner by invitation. Now I do hold a trade account and am mostly an Aquaculturalist and possibly Cabinetmaker in the future.
Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Poll: What's your D.I.Y. skill level?

You sound like an expert to me @Brad!

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Re: Poll: What's your D.I.Y. skill level?

I've got no doubt where I'm at with my (lack of) skills.

Amassing an Audience

Re: Poll: What's your D.I.Y. skill level?

Great to see so many Workshop members rate themselves experts. We're in good hands when seeking advice!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Poll: What's your D.I.Y. skill level?

Workshop members have a wide range of D.I.Y. skills according to our latest poll.


27 per cent of the community rated their skills as beginner level, while 13 per cent considered themselves experts. The majority of Workshop members - 60 per cent - rated their D.I.Y. skills as intermediate. 


Thanks to all members who participated in the poll. 





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Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Poll: What's your D.I.Y. skill level?

As it's been a year since we ran this poll and we've had many more members join, we decided to run it again over the past week. The results suggest we still have a healthy mix of community members with a wide range of D.I.Y. skills. 


Thanks again to everyone who participated by adding their vote. 





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Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Poll: What's your D.I.Y. skill level?

It's been a while since we last ran this poll.


For all those newer members out there, let us know how you rate your D.I.Y. skill level. 


Do you rate yourself a beginner, intermediate, or expert?


Let us know by replying below.




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