Kind of a Big Deal

Workbench inspo

I'm planning a workbench/space in the garage of my new home. I have about 3.7 x 0.8m space to work with in the 'Store'. I also have raised 31 course ceiling in the Garage so want to really utilise the extra height.


I'm just looking for some inspo at this point so please share pics of your spaces or others you've come across so I can get some more ideas together. I plan to build an integrated vac system into it.


For bigger jobs I also have space down one side of the house but I'll get to that next :smile:




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Re: Workbench inspo

Heya @ProjectPete,


Let me tag a few members for you and provide a few links to get started. 


Have you checked out the fantastic work benches that @Rodney built? His project has been incredibly popular with Workshop members and visitors to the site.


You might also get some inspiration from @Kiwifr33 who has been documenting his workshop shed build. There's also my shed by @Gaz, workbench progress by @royq, Grandpa's new toy shed by @Rusty-Saw and even a video walkthrough of @Wayne's amazing woodworking shed here - My humble workshop.




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Re: Workbench inspo

Thanks for the suggestions @Jason - I quite like the look of @Rodney's bench. Fairly simple but effective.


Managed to come across this one which has some of what I need such as the vaccuum/dust extractiona nd LED lighting.


I think I'll use a long piece of laminat for the top to give it a very smooth and even/level finish.

Handy and helpful
Instagram @at.home.rosehill @kayudesignco @aspirebamboo

Re: Workbench inspo

Hhhmmm just thought it'd be a clever idea to create some sort of swivel where a second benchtop sits under the main benchtop but swivels out when needed to create an L-shape workspace (obviously with the appropriate support on it).

If not swivel, even a fixed, maybe detachable, bracket could do the job.
Handy and helpful
Instagram @at.home.rosehill @kayudesignco @aspirebamboo
Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Workbench inspo

I think my ultimate is a hybrid between Down-Draft-Sanding-Table and stanton bench. I have the top in laminate and will make storage underneath. 19mm dog holes in 96mm spacings with a vacuum box under the top. My preferance is to keep the tops flat and use external lighting if needed.


I also have a knock off of the Kreg Klamp Table.
























Two Mobile Project Centres that were released after the Klamp Table.KR-KWS1000.jpg





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