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How to add Colorbond cladding to brick?

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How to add Colorbond cladding to brick?


Is it simple enough to install cladding over existing brickwork on a street facing wall amid a garage, that is not attached to the house purely for cosmetic needs, can I slip all the flashing etc and just stretch to battens on the bricks

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: colorbond cladding on brick

Hello @patfletch 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about cladding your brick wall with Colorbond.


I recommend engaging the services of a qualified builder who has experience in the installation of Colorbond sheets on an existing brick wall. It's possible that the installation of the Colorbond sheets could be relatively straightforward, but the part that involves the roofing, flashing and the battens will require the expertise of a builder. I also suggest checking your local council's rules and regulations to ensure compliance.




Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations.




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Re: colorbond cladding on brick

Morning @patfletch 

I dont see why not, tho I would have a look at your local councils website to find out what is allowed and how far from your fenceline/boundary line you can take something. I am thinking that with the cladding it shouldnt add much more to the walls width but council may have other rulings. 

Factoring in the flashing and rails to support the cladding on a narrow face may require some figuring out especially if you are not familure with it. (I am not :smile: ) I would sketch it up, profile wise and work out the depth of the wall, height and how it will all come together. That will help with any "ohhh" moments when you go to instyall it.



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to add Colorbond cladding to brick?


Hi @patfletch 


It's not a major project to achieve. It would be a matter of fixing horizontal battens to the brick wall to secure the colourbond sheets to. This would be easier than fixing there sheets directly. Something like 70mm x 35mm treated pine would work as battens with 60mm roofing screws to secure the sheets. You would then need custom flashing made up from your local plumbing suppliers for all edges.


There sis a fair bit of work involved as well as expense. Plus the cutting of the sheets to match the wall profile and opening. Would something more simpler like painting the brick, and attaching a some form of feature panels and then a garden in front?





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