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Hi All,
I am currently looking to refresh a metal (might be galvanised iron?) cabinet in a 1960s home, which I will assume is painted with lead paint. There is heavy rusting inside the cabinet (see images), but the outer surfaces are in fairly good condition. It is also not detachable, so brush painting may be my only option if ventilation is an issue.
I have looked into potential preparation steps that do not involve sanding:
1. Treat with White Knight Rust Guard solvent, rust treatment and primer
2. Treat with Zinsser B-I-N Primer Sealer Stain Killer
My questions are:
1. Are there better, safer alternatives to the preparation steps above that will allow me to safely encapsulate the lead paint?
2. What paint would be best suited for ensuring a clean finish with minimal streaks?
Thank you in advance
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Bec7. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about painting a cabinet.
The method you've described should be fine, but the rust will likely return at some stage. If you don't sand the area to expose the rust before treating, you probably won't hit all of it. You can apply water and wet sand to avoid dust before wiping the residue up and disposing of it. Remember to wear gloves and a face mask.
If you're keen on not disturbing the area, I'd just apply those product over it and then if the rust does return in a few years you can touch it up then.
Dulux Aquanamel would be a suitable paint for your project.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
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