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How to cover metal shower base perimeter?

Finding My Feet

How to cover metal shower base perimeter?




Hi team, we’ve a hobbed shower with frameless shower glass. How do we cover the exposed metal shower perimeter? I thought it was going to be tiled but my builder said that the job was complete. Is that accurate? I’ve never seen a shower hob that’s metal exposed in this way, it looks unfinished. Thanks for your help 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to cover metal shower pan?

Hello @renie 


Let me tag @Dave-1 to make them aware of your questions. I'm not sure how well the paint will hold up in a high moisture environment, especially if it gets wet quite often. I still recommend using the aluminium finish as it has the highest tolerance against water. 




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Finding My Feet

Re: How to cover metal shower pan?

Ya, that’s what I’m worried about too. Thanks for validating. 

Community Megastar

Re: How to cover metal shower pan?

Morning @renie 

I would have concerns about the paint lasting in a wet area, There are other metal flashings that could be looked into that may have different colours of metal edging. Other then that the aluminium would possibly be the best fo stability of colour for that area.



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to cover metal shower pan?

Hi @renie 


Definitely needs to be colour anodised aluminium and not painted for durability. Black would look nicer in my opinion over white. However you maybe able to find a suitable rounded metal  if you can get it professionally cut in the flooring dept in a range of colours.





Re: How to cover metal shower pan?

Thanks @Nailbag

in the end, builder found this in gold that he’d cut and show us for the shower base -

Given its anodised, seems like it might work? 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to cover metal shower pan?

Hi @renie,


That looks perfect. I imagine it will look extremely nice once installed.




Re: How to cover metal shower pan?

Thanks @JacobZ ! Looking forward to the end result 🤩

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to cover metal shower pan?

Hi @renie 


Just as long as there is no sharp edges where you might step on then yeah looks a go for sure. And good to hear the builder is stepping up to resolve the issue too.



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