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Can you build a European laundry with Kaboodle?

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Can you build a European laundry with Kaboodle?


My builder has quoted me to build a frame for my European laundry, however the price is a bit steep considering it doesn't include cabinetry inside to make it practical. 

I have seen people have used Kaboodle fo a Euorpean laundry where they already have the frame (eg when converting a linen cupboard). Is it possible to build the frame with Kaboodle as well? I'm looking at a long cupboard - eg a section of 4 units with doors, with the washing machine and sink in the centre two and a utility cupboard either side. 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Can you build a European laundy with Kaboodle

Hello @javajive 


The tall pantry panels are 600mm (d) x 2200mm (h) x 18mm (w) and are not strong enough to hold bifold doors for your European pantry. The only way to do it is to have a proper timber frame built so that it can carry the weight of the bifold doors. The rest of the parts you need such as the Kaboodle pantry, cabinets and benchtop can be purchased at the store. I propose getting a second quote in regards to building the frame for your European laundry. 


Can you please tell me how much space you have allocated for the laundry. I can try and do a quick render for you. Please include the size of pantry you are after as well. 


Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendation.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Can you build a European laundy with Kaboodle

Hi @javajive 


I would recommend booking a Kaboodle designer through the special orders desk to design and quote you on a custom system.


Unless there’s been a change it’s about $100 for someone to come out to design this with you. And then the $100 is discounted of the system should you go ahead. 


Community Megastar

Re: Can you build a European laundy with Kaboodle

Morning @javajive 

When you say "build a frame" Are you tralking about a plinth for the cupboards to sit on, the frame around the opening to support the doors? 


Are you talking about the whole lot?


The kaboodle cupboards can sit on adjustable feet (Dont think you are talking about this)

The frame of the opening where you want the doors is what I think you are refering to, As long as the top iof teh door frame can support the doors I dont see a problem, however I have not seen Kaboodle doors used that way. I would probarly suggest to look at doors that are made for that purpose over modding the kaboodle doors.


@EricL has suggested some measurements that I would keep in mind as well. I would also factor inventilation for the area with a washing machine and sink in an enclosed space. Less chance of mustiness building up.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Can you build a European laundry with Kaboodle?

Hi @javajive,


Just thought I'd add to the discussion that experienced Bunnings Workshop community member @Adam_W recently shared a multi-part guide How to renovate a European laundry where he used Kaboodle cabinetry. I trust it will provide helpful for you.




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