

Step 1


Cleaned bathroom thoroughly 

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Step 2


Painted all tile surfaces using White Knight Tile and Laminate Primer - one coat

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Step 3




Painted all tile surfaces using Whire Knight Tile and Laminate Paint - 3 coats

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Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: 80s bathroom refresh using paint

Hello @Liselotte78,


What a difference a good clean and coat of paint makes! Your bathroom definitely looks much more modern and stylish now. Hope your girls enjoy it. Did you face any challenges along the way? How did you overcome them?

This would make a great entry in our 2023 search for Australia's best D.I.Y. projects so I've taken the liberty of submitting it for you.


Let me also extend a warm welcome to our Bunnings Workshop community. We're thrilled to have you here and hope you find our site a great resource containing advice and inspiration for your D.I.Y. projects. 


Looking forward to seeing more of your work.




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