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Getting Established
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Getting Established
1 reply
a month ago

Thanks, that's helpful. I don't anticipate any movement in the area (we built about 15 years ago, no issues so far), but I also know that's not a guar ...

Getting Established
3 replies

I've hear conflicting stories on this, so need advice from locals. I've recently removed a bathtub and had the plumbing capped, and now need to fill ...

Getting Established
1 reply
a month ago

Thanks @MitchellMc - any particular concrete your recommend? Just some quick-set would be fine?

Getting Established
3 replies
a month ago

No plans to reuse the taps or drain. Removing the bathtub is permanent, so yes this is redundant pipe-work. I'll talk to a plumber about concealing it ...

Getting Established
5 replies

I've removed a bath tub and small wall in the spare bathroom. So far so good. I'll soon need to turn my attention to the floor, but before that I ha ...

Getting Established
a month ago


Getting Established
2 replies
a month ago

Thanks Eric, that worked. The small sledgehammer made light work of it, and bashing through an old blanket was a good idea. I'm so glad I did this mys ...

Getting Established
4 replies
a month ago

Props for the excellent advice. Phase 1 complete (bath removal). Unfortunately there's a lot of brick and concrete underneath. Smashing through the si ...

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Bunnings Team Member EricL
Bunnings Team Member
5 replies
a month ago

Hello @mikeyo Thanks for sharing your question about removing a bathtub. The plastic bath waste has a large nut holding it in place underneath and ...

Bunnings Team Member EricL
Bunnings Team Member
3 replies
a month ago

Hello @mikeyo I suggest placing an old duvet cover or moving blanket over the brick wall. It is a traditional renovator's trick to prevent material ...

Bunnings Team Member MitchellMc
Bunnings Team Member
1 reply
a month ago

Love your work, @mikeyo, and many thanks for the update. Mitchell

Bunnings Team Member EricL
Bunnings Team Member
a month ago

Hello @mikeyo If you have experience in using quick-setting concrete, then it will do fine. Just keep in mind that quick set has a limited amount o ...

User's liked posts

Getting Established
2 replies
a month ago

Thanks Eric, that worked. The small sledgehammer made light work of it, and bashing through an old blanket was a good idea. I'm so glad I did this mys ...

Getting Established
4 replies
a month ago

Props for the excellent advice. Phase 1 complete (bath removal). Unfortunately there's a lot of brick and concrete underneath. Smashing through the si ...

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