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hi I just got this house which was Restumped, unfortunately removing most of the floor boards. My question is how do I fill the large cavity gaps where the floor is missing, between the 2 pieces of plasterboard walls. Hard to get to. My last place was missing this also and I had to listen to possums climbing up them into the ceiling at night, Will I need to do this from under the house? Not much space. Thanks
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Good Afternoon @needadvice
I use to worry about this if I ever had to get floor boards redone. I do have an easyish answer tho.
A piece of timber trim slotted into the space between the boards and the plaster. Cant be wider then the plaster as the skirting boards need to go over it all. You could secure the trim in place with liquid nails.
Second choice, The gaps are smallish and once the skirting is back on there is noway to get through it. Thats the option I went with when I redid my skirting. For the week or so it took me to redo it after I had the floors sanded I was in breeze central tho
Let me tag some of the Bunnings crew as there may be a better option. @JacobZ and @MitchellMc
Hello @needadvice
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about how to fill a flooring gap.
I was thinking of exactly the same idea but @Dave-1 has beaten me to it. This will require a bit of patience on your part as you'll be trimming a piece of timber that will fit into the gap you currently have. I propose drilling a screw in the middle of the cut piece so that you have something to hold onto while you are doing a test fit. Once you have the correct size you can then put a generous amount of liquid nails onto it and push the timber gap filler in place.
If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.
Hi thank you both. Just thought could I just space foam it. Messy I know but quick. There are lots of gaps. Do rodents eat through thick s. Foam?
Afternoon @needadvice
The reason I went with a strip of some kind was it would give a clean straight edge to butt the skirting board up against, with foam (which could work, and I dont think rodents would eat it) you would have an extra job to clean it up in a straight line before the skirting board goes on. I am also think ofall the staticy clinging that goes with cutting up foam
Hi @needadvice,
These gaps look to be spaced further into the cavity than the plasterboard. Could you just glue a strip of Pine over them? It would just need to be wide enough to cover the gaps and not protrude out past the plasterboard, as Dave mentioned, so it doesn't obstruct the skirting being attached.
Expanding foam could be used, though go for the standard as the triple-expanding can get a bit messy.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Omg thank you- I will do that. So simple. ( I should have thought of that) ha thanks
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