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I have recently seen every where in my house, there is gap between wall and board including near windows. I had added pictures for the same. Im not sure , day by days every where it happens near the joins.
Please advise how to fix it permanently by diy.
Afternoon @rajeshk
Houses move, houses mmove all the time, tiny bits here, tiny bits eleswhere. Depending on the age of your house some movements may be more pronounced.
Fixing your cracks/movements permanently...
You can certainly repair them tho stop them totally I am not 100% on.
For the window sill/edging I would suggest cleaning the loose bits of paint away with a small spatchula and then running a bead of white caulk along the edge Sika 310ml White SikaSeal Acrylic 100 Gap Filler
Do you have cracks on walls or above doorways? If you do could you post some pictures to show and we can suggest repair methods.
I will tag in some other community members that may also be able to offer suggestions. @Nailbag , @mich1972 , @Noyade and @JacobZ
Hi @rajeshk
This Selleys product is one of my go-to's for such fine edge cracks. You don't need much. It's flexible, easy to apply and paintable without being too fast to dry. Best to apply when the room isn't hot or it starts to set too quickly. Use a very light spray of soapy water once applied to help spread it thin and smoothly.
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