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Request advice on sealing an outside wall on a 30+ yo 2 story house. During the recent heavy/wind driven rains (400mm over 2 days) I discovered that the inside of my garage wall was leaking in several areas and also weeping through some of the mortar joints.
Whilst the weep holes can account for some of the leaking, there are minor cracks between the mortar lines and bricks.
I am looking for a pray on product for the brick faces and mortar joins and covers for the weep holes that will still allow air in if any.
I have full access to that wall.
Hello @BJ65
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about sealing your brick wall.
If you have full access to both sides of the wall, I suggest pressure washing the surface of the outside brick wall, once the wall is totally clean, I recommend using Polyfilla 500g Exterior Brick and Render Masonry to cover all the cracks and damages on the brick wall. When the filler cures, I suggest looking at using Crommelin 4L Exterior Grade Brushable Waterproofer. It is permanently flexible to accommodate structural movement, offering excellent adhesion to a wide variety of substrates while being fast-drying and low in VOC. It can used in a spray gun if you wish to apply it in that manner.
If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.
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