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Looking for ideas and drawings for children's toys

Growing in Experience

Looking for ideas and drawings for children's toys

lookig for ideas / drawings for childrens toys , have a grand child due in two weeks and want to make something!

any suggestions?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Looking for ideas and drawings for children's toys

Hi @Sarma1,


I'm sure Workshop members like @Wayne@Poppop and @kel that make toys will be happy to help. In the meantime, you might like to check out these previous posts:










Hope that helps,



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Making a Splash

Re: Looking for ideas and drawings for children's toys

A few of these are probably more suited to bigger kids a some could be used for new borns.IMAG0580_1.jpg


Good for extra hanging space in the nursery. Or position over a cot, bouncer or bassinet to hang soft toys or a mobile. Good for extra hanging space in the nursery. Or position over a cot, bouncer or bassinet to hang soft toys or a mobile.




Mobiles made out of anything. Mobiles made out of anything.


Storage/ toy boxes. Storage/ toy boxes.


Folding black board. Folding black board.




Car track. Car track.


Toy trolley. Toy trolley.


Treasure chest.


Making a Splash

Re: Looking for ideas and drawings for children's toys

I forgot to add cut up pieces of wood into blocks and different shapes and paint them different colours.

Growing in Experience

Re: Looking for ideas and drawings for children's toys

Thank you :

Growing in Experience

Re: Looking for ideas and drawings for children's toys

Thank you 

Becoming a Leader

Re: Looking for ideas and drawings for children's toys








Here are a couple of simple XMAS things we made this year.

Former Community Member

Re: Looking for ideas and drawings for children's toys

If I may suggest a framed wall hung 3D  Miniature Kitchen/Pantries

and Stock it with Coles Minis collectibles


Building a Reputation

Re: Looking for ideas and drawings for children's toys

Love the simplicity of these toys @robchin and can imagine making something similar this year. The ones using small branches remind me of a 'bridge' my friend and I made in primary school. We collected many straight sticks, cleaned them up and sawed them even about 30cm long. Then we hand-drilled holes at the end of each stick and threaded them all together to form our flexible bridge. It was quite a task and one we were proud of. It got used in so many different ways. From a bridge to a dam to a stunt jump on our extensive downhill marble runs. Thanks for jogging my memory. I think I'll design something using the same idea and turn it on the lathe. Cheers, Al

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