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How to fix sliding window leak?

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How to fix sliding window leak?

Hi my sliding window has a leak as shown in the picture. Could some one suggest me how to fix it . Appreciate your help



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Community Manager

Re: How to fix sliding window leak?

Hi @nithinitteera,


Could you please clarify where exactly you are seeing water ingress? If you could doodle on the photos and show us exactly where you think the leak is, it might help members to provide more helpful and specific advice. 


Many thanks,




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Re: How to fix sliding window leak?

Hi Thanks for the reply. The leaks are happening in the following places.



Re: How to fix sliding window leak?

Hi @nithinitteera,


Thank you for your question and follow-up information.


Fixing the problem is something that will need to be done from the outside of the window.  If you were to address the problem on the inside, then water would still be getting into the window frame; it would just be isolated or moved to a different location. 


For the leaks to be occurring in these locations on the inside of your home, there has to be an entry point on the outside.


Is it possible to get some photos of the outside of the window?


Look for gaps around the outside of the window, particularly at the top and the corners.


It may be something that can be addressed with silicone or an external gap filler such as Selleys No More Gaps Exterior Gap Filler

Let me know what you find.




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