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How to fix a hole in the plaster

Not long ago a friend tripped in our hallway while wheeled his bike down it, leaving a handle bar shaped dent in the hallway plaster 😕 We have a house inspection coming up soon, so I am wanting to patch the hole and looking at options. I have gotten a couple of quotes from tradies, but they are asking a fair chunk of cash including time and materials for a very small project, so thinking I might be able to do this myself and learn a new skill.


My main question is the cost of materials, particulalrly the colour matched paint. What is the smallest amount I can buy and rough price, possibly a sample pot, as I think this would be the biggest expense. After that I'm sure I can find a YouTube video on the process. If anyone has any advice, that would be appreciated!



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Community Manager

Re: DIY plaster fix or get a tradie?

Hi @Fendogz,


Welcome to Workshop. We're pleased you could join us and encourage you to post whenever you need a hand. 


I'm sure all Workshop members will encourage you to tackle this one yourself as it's a quick and easy fix. 


Take a look at this recent discussion from a member in a very similar situation - https://www.workshop.com.au/t5/Whole-of-House/Patching-holes-in-the-wall/td-p/19360


As I mentioned on the other post, I would recommend you start here - How to fix a hole in a plaster wall. It includes the tools and materials that you will need. I will also embed the video below. 


I'll also tag one of our resident paint experts in @Simon who might like to share the best approach for colour matching the paint. 


Good luck,






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Re: DIY plaster fix or get a tradie?

Definitely do it yourself @Fendogz. You'll be fine. I reckon only an hour or two of your time. 


Shopping list for you:


Little tub of filler - $6 - https://www.bunnings.com.au/earl-s-multfill-ready-to-use-filler-0-140kg-white_p1661244

Paint scraper - $4 - https://www.bunnings.com.au/uni-pro-75mm-carbon-steel-filling-blade_p1670148

Paint roller kit - $10 - https://www.bunnings.com.au/monarch-230mm-pro-renovator-all-purpose-roller-kit_p1661273

Cutting in brush (optional, but makes things easier for getting a great result) - $11 - https://www.bunnings.com.au/monarch-50mm-cutting-in-and-framing-synthetic-paint-brush_p1660278

Paint - $30 - https://www.bunnings.com.au/taubmans-low-sheen-white-easycoat-interior-wall-paint-1l-low-sheen-white...


I'd suggest not getting a sample pot but something like one litre so you can do the entire wall. That way the paint match doesn't have to be absolutely perfect and you'll never be able to tell where the hole was. If you can dig out the indent then you could take that bit of plaster to the paint desk for colour matching. 


Hope that helps. 

Amassing an Audience

Re: DIY plaster fix or get a tradie?

+1 to the DIY approach.


Just make sure you get a big enough sample of the wall colour for the colour match. That 20c sized hole might not be enough. You might want to cut out something a little bigger. 

Re: DIY plaster fix or get a tradie?

Thanks for the reply and detailed list Marty. I reckon I'll give it a go myself. Not too sure if I'll go for teh full wall option, as I live in sort of a long skinny house so that wall is almost the length of my whole place! 

Re: DIY plaster fix or get a tradie?

I recently had a very similar problem, only we were moving out. The ready to use filler, is very simple to apply, & mine came with a plastic scraper attached, so no need to buy a paint scraper. As there’s no paint matching service available in our small town, I went & got about 4 or 5 paint sample cards from our local hardware, that I thought were a close match to the wall. I took them home & held each of them up to the wall, in as much natural light as possible. After filling the hole, letting the filler dry, I sanded it back with medium, then fine sanding blocks. I applied the paint then, & when it had dried, found it was near impossible to see where the patch was!

Re: DIY plaster fix or get a tradie?



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Let me also extend a very warm welcome to the Workshop community. We're really pleased you could join us, and trust you will receive lots of useful information, advice and inspiration for your projects from our ever-helpful and creative members. Feel free to post whenever you need assistance or have something to share. We're looking forward to reading about your projects and plans.




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Re: How to fix a hole in the plaster

I think a lot of people wondering how to fix small hole 


1. Take out nicely the broken plasterboard where inside wall 

2. Get somewhere small stick wood and put inside through that hole and holding wood using ur finger

if you have large finger, using rubber band ( but when first screw in left side on wall, you should holding with finger and when u right side screw in, you can use rubber band) 

3. Screw in(small size) left side wall with inside wood

and screw in right side too

3. Then you dont need hold wood anymore, 

4. Put the glue on before where you took it nicely out round board,  and put the back same spot and screw in 

5. Dont need explain anymore i think 😁



Cultivating a Following

Re: How to fix a hole in the plaster

I think you explain enough,please don't confuse this newer member of our plaster world,Cheer's Krusty.

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Community Manager

Re: How to fix a hole in the plaster

Hi @Krusty,


Thanks for joining in the discussion on Workshop. We're looking forward to reading all about your own projects and plans. Feel free to post anytime you need a hand or have something to share. We have helpful members sharing advice and inspiring projects on the site every day.




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