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How to fill gaps between floor and wall?

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How to fill gaps between floor and wall?

Hello experts,

Looking for some advise on how to fill the gaps shown in pictures.


First query-

The gap between house external wall and walking path is all around the house and goes deep (2-3 inches). What is the best and economical solution to fill these gaps.


Second query

One of the gap is between walkway and garden stairs which is big, like 8-10 inches. I have observed insects and small reptiles making it their home, What can I use to fill and seal off.

 this gap


Third query - Gap between wall and sliding door frame. What product can I use to fill the gap and seal it off?


I did review other posts on how to fill gaps like but wanted to check if there is any other ideas since the length of these gaps is large. 


Thanks in advance,


gap between wall and walkwaygap between wall and walkway

5.JPGgap between walkway and stairsgap between walkway and stairsgap between wall and walkwaygap between wall and walkwaysliding door and wall gapsliding door and wall gap

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fill gaps between floor and wall?

Hello @nipanwar 


Looking at the gaps on your photos I'm afraid they are too big to be repaired by D.I.Y methods. Especially the steps that have moved alarmingly far away from your wall. I'm not sure which part has moved away either the steps or your wall. But I suggest disassembling the steps and repairing the base before re-assembling it close to the wall.


In regards to the sliding door frame, I suggest using Selleys 430g White No More Gaps Exterior Gap Filler.


It will probably be necessary to fill the very large gaps with mortar, however, I suggest engaging the services of a builder to determine if the path needs reinforcing or plugging the gap with mortar will be enough to stop the paths movement.


Let me call on our experienced members @Nailbag, @Dave-1 and @homeinmelbourne for their recommendations.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Re: How to fill gaps between floor and wall?

Hi @nipanwar  This is how I would tackle them

Gap between wall and walkway: Clean out the debris and fill with a colour matching (path) flexible mortar mix.

Gap between walkway and stairs: As long as the steps are structurally sound, clean out any loose debris. If the gap is deep, then 3/4 fill with packing sand or similar then finish with a colour matching (steps) flexible mortar mix. 
Alternatively it might be worth redoing the steps themselves if the gap is too large and deep. This may require replacement of the blocks if they can't be removed undamaged. If you're unable to do this work, most landscapers can.

Sliding door and wall gap: It's hard to see how bit the gaps are without a left side on photo. But they do appear quite large. There are two options for repair. 1. is to use a masonry gap filler. which, are available in various colours. Use painters tape around the holes to protect the surrounding surfaces and save cleanup. When applying the sealant work slowly left/right and up and don't try and fill the holes as the sealant will just fall endlessly through. Just try and keep the sealant to the surface and then use ice-cream stick or similar to smooth in. 2. Would be to use a dry-ish mortar mix.


regards, Nailbag

Community Megastar

Re: How to fill gaps between floor and wall?

Morning @nipanwar 

Ground moving and pathways shifting are frustrating I must admit. 😕

For the "gap between wall and walkway" I would do as @EricL and @Nailbag suggest and use a masonary gap filler or a exterior gap filler.

For the "sliding door and wall gap" I am not sure I woould use anything unless its causing you an issue?


For the "gap between walkway and stairs" Mmmm something has definently shifted, Id be investigating why before I would use a filler of any kind. The angle that you have shown makes me think slippage of some kind? Do you know what is under the steps? As in what were they built on?



Re: How to fill gaps between floor and wall?


Thanks you experts.


Gap between wall and walkway - I plan to use mortar mix. Question - do I expect this mortar to expand/shrink or settle down? Accordingly I should fill the gap. Confused deciding which one to use  Dunlop 5kg Ardit Rapidset Repair Mortar or Australian Builders Mortar Mix 


Gap between walkway and stairs - Base is on a ground without any foundation. Plan to use packing sand Brunnings Landscape Paver Sand and above mortal to seal it

Community Megastar

Re: How to fill gaps between floor and wall?

Afternoon @nipanwar 

I would be using something that is flexible as it does look like it shrinks and expands. Mortar in my mind is a solid? And the product says it sets solid. 

The Paver sand with the mortar on top could work for a period, That skewed gap tho makes me think its still moving tho.



Re: How to fill gaps between floor and wall?

@Dave-1  any specific product (mortar/cement) you can suggest which is flexible ?

Community Megastar

Re: How to fill gaps between floor and wall?

Afternoon @nipanwar 

Just had a quick squiz and Selleys 415g Brick And Concrete Sealant  or Sika 310ml Grey Concrete Sikaflex Pro+ Polyurethane Sealant 

Either of those products sounds good. I would probarly go for one that matches your path as close as it can is about all I would add.



Getting Established

Re: How to fill gaps between floor and wall?

Hi EricL,

I have a similar problem. Find images below.

How can I fill the gap between stairs and wall, and the void underneath? Thanks.!








Re: How to fill gaps between floor and wall?

Hello @nipanwar & @Dave-1 I have seen a lot of expansion joint foam used along pathways/foot paths of recent, easy enough to install and would help keep moisture from easily entering the crevice, certainly would permit ground movement whilst retaining aesthetic/functional properties.



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