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How to cut a hole on the NBN box?

Cultivating a Following

How to cut a hole on the NBN box?

I want to cut an opening at the bottom of the NBN box so that I can run the cables neatly. Since it’s a metal box, I am not sure which is the right tools to use. 

I bought a set of Ryobi 18V One+ 8 pieces kit. Is there any tools in the kit can do the job? Or do I need something else? 

thanks in advanced. 

Re: Cutting a hole on thr NBN box

Hi @rickychan 


You don't say if it is a plasterboard wall. The design of these cabinets is terrible as they give no easy way to locally add additional equipment. The one good thing is that it is not the property of NBN and as for not using the right terms you weren't to know. I would not recommend drilling through the door, I would drill down through the bottom of the box and then put a hole from the front below into the wall to intersect the downward hole and bring some cables through that way. Technically you aren't supposed to do this but its up to you.The regs don't want people installing cables through a void for safety reasons (you don't know what is in the void) so be very careful if you do DIY.

Cultivating a Following

Re: Cutting a hole on thr NBN box

Thank you so much for the recommendation, @Dave-1. I will find a hole saw to drill out part of the mesh. Also, thanks for suggesting the edge trim and cable organization. They are handy. Appreciate for all the details. 🙏

Cultivating a Following

Re: Cutting a hole on thr NBN box

Hi @Dave-1,


Sorry, I have to follow up on this.


I have this Ryobi kit. Do you think the drill is strong enough to cut through the enclosure? 


Also, do you have any recommended hole saw that I can use for this task? 


Thank. 🙏




Community Megastar

Re: Cutting a hole on thr NBN box

Afternoon  @rickychan 

Yeah that drill will have no issues. Make sure you DO NOT use the impact driver one :smile:

For the holesaws either of these will be fine.

Craftright 16 Piece Holesaw Set 


Craftright 5 Piece Hole Saw Set 


You are not drilling for gold, its only a thin metal box.

To cut the hole I would use one of the bottom of the door to the right hand side holes in the corner. That way when you open/close the door the cables wont be hanging across you. Make sure if you drill with the door close there isnt anything on the other side when the hole saw punches through.


Cant think of much else :smile: Dont force it, let the drill do its work and think what goes through the hole (power cable with a plug, multiple power cables that may get a bit tight after three cables are in it for the next plug to go through. ) Better to go a little bigger then what you think you need as there is always something else and its a pain to try and drill an existing hole larger.





Cultivating a Following

Re: Cutting a hole on thr NBN box

Thank you so much, @Dave-1 . Really appericate for all the details. It is so helpful, especially for a new starter like me. I will buy one of the suggested holesaw set. 

Home Improvement Guru

Re: Cutting a hole on thr NBN box

All of the above.

Plus, maybe a cutting lubricant @rickychan.

In particular the CDT aerosol spray for a vertical surface.

It does make an amazing difference with cutting efficiency.


All the best with the hole. 😁




Community Megastar

Re: Cutting a hole on thr NBN box

@Noyade and @rickychan 

hahahha can you tell that my toolbox generally dosnt have cutting compound :smile: 

Definently makes it easier as @Noyade says tho not neccasary :smile: "wiggles hand"



Cultivating a Following

Re: Cutting a hole on thr NBN box

Wow. Thank you so much, @Noyade and @Dave-1 . You guys are amazing!! 

Re: Cutting a hole on thr NBN box

Hi @rickychan 


Well as the only professional registered cabler here, I have to say, I wouldn't be seen dead cutting a hole in the door of an enclosure! There are reasons this isn't done but if you do at the very least you need to get a grommet of the right size to go in the hole to prevent the cables chafing on the resulting sharp edges.

Cultivating a Following

Re: Cutting a hole on thr NBN box

Thanks for the reminder, @R4addZ . You are right. I will buy the edge trim to protect the cables. 🙏

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