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Hi Team,
I am trying to figure out if there is a work around for the following automation without receiving notification of failure to execute when turning switch off during timer count down.
What I am wanting to set up is a simple:
Light switch On
Light Globe on
Timer 5 Min
Light Globe Off
The issue is if that light switch is turned off during the count down I will get a notification of failure to execute the Light Globe Off command.
Why do I want this?
The kids leave the lights on all the time so I want them to time out and turn off but if we walk by and switch them off then they are off.
If they carry through the automation and we want to manually switch them back on we just use 2 sec off the switch back on to turn the Globe back on.
I emailed Arlec and they advised no individual muting notification at this time but I thought I'd ask if anyone knows of a work around.
Simple automation chain below.
Hi Mitchell
Thanks for that, I have had some more time this morning trying to nut this out and yes under the globe section there is a count down but it is a one shot count down timer and doesn't trigger on further change of states either via the app or via a standard switch.
Looks like I'll have to wait to see if Arlec will implement individual notification switching on and off in future update.
Hi @MitchellMc,
That countdown timer on the globe side is only a one shot timer only meaning that the first time you add it, it works fine but after that either turning the globe off via the app or turning the device off line via the switch and back on will not activate that timer again.
I can confirm it does not send a message if that count down timer is interrupted midway though.
So the 2 options for Arlec are program that Countdown timer to be multi pass and activated by commands of off/on soft switch and off/on hard switch via globe off-line/ online
Add a notification enable / disable toggle for individual devices.
Hope that make sense.
Hey CS,
Your post was exactly where I was trying to go with some light automation, although I wanted the lights to latch on a motion sensor rather than a switch (switches are too expensive for the average joe to install given the requirement for a sparkie).
The thread here pointed me in the seemingly correct direction of the countdown function, as this acts as a pseudo-latch for motion detection (the triggers are more like a button press than a state-detect, annoying but can be worked around).
It seems that some lights have the timer countdown as an action that you can perform, but not others.
The bathroom RS80 with a timer as an action.
The toilet light with no such action available
The bathroom light is an RS80, the timer surfaces in actions. Seems to test OK, if the sensor triggers again, it resets the timer from what I can see.
The toilet light, a regular BNC globe, does not show timer in automation actions. So I run into the issue that you do.
What we need is for all globes to surface their countdown timer in automation actions, then these use cases should work.
Please note, that the countdown will trigger a switch reversal, an off light will turn on at the end of the timer and vice-versa.
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @ColFirefly. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your feedback.
Let me mention @CSParnell, so they are alerted to your reply.
If you ever get stuck, please feel free to give the Arlec technical assistance team a call. I've found them quite helpful when trying to troubleshoot Grid Connect issues.
I'll also pass on your feedback about all globes having countdown timers in the automation actions.
We look forward to hearing all about the projects and plans that you have going on around the house and garden. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you ever need assistance or have something to share.
@ColFirefly how I had it worked out was working good but the notifications if I disrupted the automation were the killer for me which I'm hoping Arlec add an individual notifications switch on /off per device and that would make some good additions to the software.
I also go to look for the If, And, Else commands as well but that is getting to complex.
It is good there is so much interaction taking place and also ppl are hitting road blocks that's fine we are providing ideas and solutions to Arlec to improve on.
@CSParnell Hey mate,
Hmmm, that's weird, I don't seem to get any notification of failure if I try to set a status that doesn't work.
Actually, looking at your initial image, I can see that your light is 'Offline'. Is the light physically connected to the switch in question? It could be that the reason for the notification failure is that the light isn't responding, because when you switch it off, it is *OFF*?
Perhaps you would be better off turning the switch off with the automation and not the light? Although, that will make it hard for you to force the light on when you yourself need it.
@ColFirefly it would have been just one of the images captured during the process.
The light is hard wired to the switch it us a standard 230V Clipsal 10a switch run to a Batten holder and then an Arlec BC grid connect globe.
Turning it off via the automation is not an issue and if I want to turn it back on via the switch it's a simple turn switch off for 2 sec then back on to override.
But what I am trying to do is have certain light on timers evertimw they are turned on (triggered on status) and the run for that count down and turn off which works fine, but if I turn the switch off (interupt) the count down I will get a notification that the light has failed to trigger that automation which is painful because if my wife or I see a light on we want to turn it off by the switch and not get notifications. And if we don't see it then the timer will turn it off.
@CSParnell Oh! So sorry mate, totally misunderstood your hardware setup there.
Yeah, so because the light is physically off it cannot respond to the command to turn off. Bummer.
TBH I wouldn't mind some more complex automation along the lines of if/then/else, at least we could then recheck the state and prevent commands going out that are not required. I'd prefer state-checking, but that would be way harder on server time than basic state change automation.
All good, yeah a simple notification off for that device would solve the issue nicely.
There are ways to bring in more complex commands via Tuya and Smart Things and even Tuya Local but I'm trying to avoid that route atm due to the simplicity of Grid Connect but we will see.
Ok @ColFirefly @MitchellMc @EricL I have resolved this problem this morning by moving those devices I want that automation on across to the Tuya App platform, because Arlec use Tuya chips this is possible.
With the Tuya platform it doesn't give me a notification of failure when the switch is turned off. And hence fixes my issue.
The Tuya platform is also supported in Google Home, Smart Things, IFTTT and if you do want to get deep into it you can go local.
You are not going to be able to get Arlec support for programming in Tuya so keep that in mind and certain devices have to be hardware flashed which I Strongly advise against.
Hopefully Arlec resolves the issue and ill move the devices back under the 1 roof.
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