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How to change existing lock to smart lock?

Growing in Experience

How to change existing lock to smart lock?






I want to change the existing lock to the Samsung smart rim lock shp ds705.


But it seems like my existing lock doesn't meet the back set requirement of 70mm. Am I meant to measure the backset from the edge of the door to the center of the key hole?


I want to know if I could install the Samsung rim smart lock to replace the existing lock. 


If it wont fit. Any other smart lock you would recommend that would be suitable for the door. 


Thanks for everyone's help!







Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: How to change existing lock to smart lock?

Hi @mingwait,


First I'd like to extend a warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community! It is awesome you have joined, thank you for asking about installing a smart lock, they look so convenient to use. 


Our resident DIY expert @EricL will be back online later this afternoon to help, so let me tag Workshop members @Brad@Dave-1, and @CSParnell to see if they are able to give some advice. In the meantime, you can check out this great Best Ideas article What keyless locks would you recommend for insight on what other members have chosen in the past. 


We would love to see how your smart lock comes together, keep us updated with an after photo. 




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Community Megastar

Re: How to change existing lock to smart lock?

Hello @mingwait 

I was just going through the pics you supplied. At first I thought yeah it should fit but then the locking bar goes onto the back of your door frame not the side like the video shows. 😕 Not sure if that lock plate can be moved around? It looks solid enought that I would be tempted to give it a go even tho I have been against the idea. :smile:

The 70mm distance could be adjusted a little on your door if needed but drilling a new hole off center tho the existing hole may be fine. 

I think I will take a stroll through the aisle and have a look myself.

As for other electronic locks, I havnt tried any and until now never really gave them a lot of credit. 

Would def be interested in seeing what you do.



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to change existing lock to smart lock?

There are 60mm backset smart locks available.

Google SDL-T1 as one option.

Much easier to retro fit to the right backset than trying to move the existing hole 10mm.

If I had more time today I might of been able to find a Samsung product to fit if you are set on that brand?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to change existing lock to smart lock?

Hello @mingwait 


Although the Samsung Smart Bluetooth Rim Lock recommends a 70mm backset, it is still possible to install it even if it is at 60mm. The door locking set you've chosen is similar to your analog rim lock. There is no mechanical link between the controller outside and the mechanism inside and there is actually room to adjust. The only link between them is an electrical cord which is adjustable. I've placed an image below that shows the amount of adjustment possible.


Looking at the pictures you've posted, I believe there is enough room to install the Samsung Rim Lock. 


Samsung Blue Lock.jpg


Here is a handy link on how to install the Samsung Rim Lock:



If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Growing in Experience

Re: How to change existing lock to smart lock?

Thanks for replying. I have brought the smart lock from Bunnings. Then I encountered another issue, how to remove the existing lock?

Growing in Experience

How to remove a very old lock?




How do I remove this lock?




Community Megastar

Re: How to change existing lock to smart lock?


Just had a look on youtube :smile:

Around the 2:26min mark it shows a couple of screws to remove to get to the screws that go through the plate to the door.

Hope that helps.

(Its A bunnings video so hope Bunnings staff dont mind :smile:



Growing in Experience

Re: How to change existing lock to smart lock?

The lockwood lock doesn't have screws on the cover like the one in the video

Community Megastar

Re: How to change existing lock to smart lock?


😕 Are there any screws on the underside? 
The only thing I would suggest to do if ther are none is to go to bunnings and look for as similar lock to what you have. Then google instalation instructions to show how it goes together so you can go backwards. If I get stuck I usally tyake a step back and think "It must have gone together logically" and then try and see how.



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