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How are you getting your home ready for spring?

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How are you getting your home ready for spring?

Spring is officially a few days away, and it’s time to finally celebrate the sunshine.


I've been keen on growing a few herbs for the longest time, so I'm thinking I may finally plant some coriander, basil and mint this spring.


We’re also planning on hosting a couple of barbecues and pool parties once the weather is a little warmer, so cleaning our backyard and outdoor furniture is currently on top of my to-do list. I’m going to take a quick look at @Adam_W's guide on How to maintain a pool for refreshers on getting the pool ready as well.


What are you doing to prepare your home and garden for warmer weather?




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Re: How are you getting your home ready for spring?

I'll be soon popping the pool's solar heating on and popping the solar blanket on the pool to start heating it up. I'm in Melbourne and we're still getting chilly nights but I usually do it around the start of September so we can hopefully get a swim in by the end of the month. 


I will also be oiling the deck, and have some painting to do at the front of the house.




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Re: How are you getting your home ready for spring?

I was considering clearing a large area of overgrown Jasmin, Privet, weeds and dead trees down the back of my yard. It would be a heap of work but would provide my kids with a much-needed play area of around 160 square metres. It would also allow access to a gate in our rear property line that lets you walk straight into the local park. The kids would be super excited with the extra space and being able to head straight down to the park when they wanted.




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Re: How are you getting your home ready for spring?

We'll be fertilising our lawn and start the weeding, mulching and pruning of our garden. Our Dwarf Lemon, Lime & Orange trees still have fruit on them thanks to our prep last Spring and the wet season over summer (our Lemon tree, even though a dwarf, has had around 80 lemons), so we'll be trying to keep the same conditions so we have the same over summer and 2023. We have the option of setting up an automatic watering system up there, so we'll look into that. 

Cleaning our Solar Panels is also high up on the list so it's ready for a hopefully sunny summer 🤞




Re: How are you getting your home ready for spring?

Thanks for sharing, @Remarka6le. Good luck with the trees and for setting up the watering system. Let us know if we can help with anything. 


It's definitely a great time to get your solar panels ready for the warmer months ahead. For anyone looking for handy tips on how to clean them safely and efficiently, check out our post on How to clean solar panels.




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Re: How are you getting your home ready for spring?

HIi @Akanksha ,


The front garden for us, lots of weeding, pruning and planting new plants. I got some proteas the other day, and hopefully, they should add some colour. We are also seeding soon for all our summer vegetables.  Also thinking of getting some egg-laying hens, but still not sure how to keep everything clean. I heard the feed can attract rats or mice. If anyone has tips, please let me know. 


Keep well everyone




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Retired Team Member

Re: How are you getting your home ready for spring?

This is a great thought provoker for me! We will be moving into our new home this spring and I imagine there will be PLENTY to do. One of the first things I'll probably need to do is de-weed the lawn and start the fertilizer process so our grass is lush for the summer. We also have a huge new deck that has a lot of dead space, so before we entertain we will need to treat the wood and build our deck BBQ area. Watch out for my new home renovations coming in hot over the next year. 




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Re: How are you getting your home ready for spring?

Those proteas look beautiful, @Nham, many thanks for sharing. In case you're interested, @Noelle's guide How to choose the right soil for your plants contains useful information on the right potting mix for many plants, including proteas.


Let me tag @mich1972 and @timjeffries for their tips on raising backyard chickens. 




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Re: How are you getting your home ready for spring?

Hi @Nham


My neighbour kept chickens in their backyard and they used Handy Pail 20L Plastic Pail With Lid to keep their feed nice and secure. As long as you keep that lid on nice and tight, it should prevent mice and vermin from getting in. They also kept the feed right next to the chicken coop and the chickens actually caught mice trying to get into their area. 




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Re: How are you getting your home ready for spring?


We have been getting some beautiful sunny days here in Perth ! Spring is so close now. 
I am ready to top up my No Dig Edibles Bed with heaps of organic matter, our dreadful Bassendean Sands here needs to be replenished regularly. I am going to grow heaps of Chilli’s , plant some tomatoes and lots of Basil. 
Also we adopted another two beautiful Plymouth Rock Chickens 🐓 




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