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Can I DIY fix tile pointing?

Community Newcomer

Can I DIY fix tile pointing?

Hi experts, 

I'm seeking advice on if I could fix cracked roof pointing mortar myself. I found these crack after gutter replacement. I will for sure talk to the gutter company, while I also want to have an alternative option to fix these myself. I have read other people's post on about bedding and pointing, while I'm wonder if my case is normal or a bit different with others. 

I'd like to give it a go myself if it is not too hard. 
























Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Can I DIY fix tile pointing?

Hello @liuhan211211 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your roof top pointing.


Yes, it is possible for you to repair your own pointing with Dunlop 10L Tile Pointing Terracotta. If you are only repairing the small side section of your pointing it can be done. But for larger more complex repairs, I suggest engaging the services of a professional roof restoration specialist. They will have the knowledge and safety gear to work properly on top of your roof. 


However, before you make any sort of repairs, I suggest calling the gutter company that installed your gutter. If it is currently not affecting the inside of your house, it's best to leave it alone so that they can see what has happened. But to put your mind at ease, the option of self-repair is open to you. 


Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations.




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Re: Can I DIY fix tile pointing?

Good Evening @liuhan211211 

I havnt repaid point as yet, tho I would figure it shouldnt be too hard. Other then the concerns for working at height and having the safty gear. You do want to be able to enjoy your new roof so sometimes it may be wiser letting the professionals do something even if we think its doable ourselves. I for one will only clean my gutters on 2 and a half sides of my house. I can reach the gutters with a ladder, the other sides are two stories and nope, just a nope not wise in my head.


First step Id be contacting the gutter people as @EricL has suggested, second Id be talking to the manager if you arnt happy with the first response. Depending on how long ago the job was done is the level I would be pushing them to solve it more then you considering fixing it yourself.





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