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What privacy fence options do we have?

Finding My Feet

What privacy fence options do we have?

Hi - Our side fence is 1.8m high, but our land is on a slight slope so the fence sits low on our neighbours side.  We have already concreted and built a retaining wall, so looking for options to give us more privacy.  We don't really want to use timber lattice to extend the fence, but was thinking more like a full height lattice.  Our issue is we don't have a lot of space between the retaining wall and the fence to put any posts in.  We've thought about planter boxes (600mm H) with lattice (1200mm H) to give us 1800mm, but was concerned how they would hold up in the wind as we can't attach them to the fence.  Can we attach the matrix lattice directly to the timber fence?  If not, what other options are available? Thanks.



Community Megastar

Re: Privacy Fence options

Good afternoon @vndlc76 

First up welcome to the Bunnings community, great place to have a look at ideas and solutions :smile: I have seen the "privacy wanted" with peoples fence lines a fair bit (and yep I have that same problem)

What is the soil like between the retaining wall and fence? (As in rock, clay or just soil)


My first thought went to using ground screws (I have not tried them yet but fully intend to!) Ground screw and then putting up posts to support a screen. No holes need to be dug or concreet used which is why I like the idea.


Second thought  you could mount something onto the top of the retaining wall? Do you know if the bessa blocks are filled with reo/concrete?


Third idea depending if you dont mind pruning is a hedge or small trees/shrubs and you "shape" them the way you want. It will take a little while to establish them but will be softer then a solid screen.





Re: Privacy Fence options

Hi Dave,


Thanks for your reply.  As is always the way, we should've put more thought into the side of the house when building - Our first priority was to get a retaining wall in there due to the slope. There is only a gap of less than 10cm between the retaining wall and the fence, there is soil between, but in some spots there is a lot of concrete from when the wall was installed.


The ground screws look like a good idea, but we'd struggle to put them in due to the space.


As for the blocks, from memory only the bottom level is filled with concrete (The retaining wall is about 3 blocks deep). I don't think the top level has concrete.  Wasn't sure if you can drill into them or not?


We did have some large pots along the side with plants, but had to remove them as they were constantly knocked over from the wind.  Outdoor pots would be the only way we could get any greenery there - Ideally this is what we would like, as it's a bit baron with just the concrete and fence.

Community Megastar

Re: Privacy Fence options

MMMmm @vndlc76 

If the bottom row is in concrete could you attach a bracket to it with bolts into the concrete? Using something along these lines bolted to the bottom and potentially the top row if you can fill with concrete? handiy products 10 x 10 x 10cm post support u bracket and flat plate That way they are supported at two points. Not sure if you will have space to work with installing the btrackets and the posts is all.


If your driveway is solid concrete you could potentially put these type of posts in along the edge but sacrifice some space is all 😕




Re: Privacy Fence options

Thanks for the suggestions Dave - We'll need to do some measuring to see what space we have 🙂

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Privacy Fence options

Hello @vndlc76 


Allow me to welcome you as well to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's marvellous to have you join us and thanks for sharing your question about fence extensions.


It's great that you've received excellent advice from @Dave-1. Just to add to the suggestions made, I recommend having a look at this discussion - How to add a timber fence extension? by @Evie21. This is an excellent example of adding height to your timber fence without having to add too much weight to the structure.


Another option is using the Matrix Fence Extension system. The panel is made from 100% recycled material which is UV stabilised so will last in the elements. It comes with a colour matched slimline frame top and bottom which adds support and rigidity. 


Here is a handy step-by-step guide: 



If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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