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My dogs Rejji-2(right) and Stella-7(left). Stella is a staffy x whippet, she likes wrestling with other dogs, snuggling and water(as long as its shallow). Rejji is an Irish Wolfhound x Bull Arab, she likes running, longggggg walks, hugs, wrestling with her sister and hunting our rat populace. Yes they are both girls, Rejji or Rej is short for Regina but she's fine if people thinks she's a dude.
All these pets look so loved and even adored.
Unfortunately I lost my Ruby at Easter at 14. She seemed so well but it wasn't to be and she will always have a special place in my heart.
Time doesn't stand still, enter Gem, a pure heeler who came into our lives in late April, our wild child!!
I have attached a collection of photo's showing Gems first condo when she arrived here and then some other pics including her daily ritual of greeting the cat Cheeta as well as playing with her in the garden and her collection of toys some given to her and some acquired or stolen ha-ha
I have a video of her unwinding after a day in the tractor that I need to find out how to attach Jason??
Gem saying Good Morning to Cheetah the cat
Gem's collection of Toys
First night at home
Gems Condo
Gem and Cheetah playing
Sorry to hear of your loss Barbara (@Baretta11). We lost Humphrey a couple of years ago and still miss him every day. We are considering adding a new member to the family but when I did some investigation recently the waiting lists were really long. Pets have been such wonderful companions during this most challenging year for so many people. Gem looks lovely.
You can insert video into your post but currently it needs to be a YouTube video. We are considering adding video hosting capability in future so you can upload videos directly to the Bunnings Workshop site as easily as sharing photos. We just want to ensure we make the process as simple as possible while protecting users from any potentially inappropriate content.
Too cute ! Happy Birthday gorgeous boy !!!!
Hi Jason,
Thanks for your kind words.
It's quite amazing how much our pets mean to us whether they are pampered indoor pets of farm pets.
I still struggle with my loss, still in tears even now after all this time as everything was quite sudden and traumatic although I don't think it would have mattered if it wasn't sudden, a loss is a loss.
Gem is so different to Ruby, completely opposite. Ruby never chewed anything nor was she destructive but Gem is an absolute horror, she has anhilateded the first cane cat igloo, Cheetah now has igloo no 2. In fact if you look at the first pic you can see the hole on the side of the igloo, it now has two holes, the entrance ant the frame which is all that is left and no amount of stern words etc... made a scrap of difference ha-ha
I've had to put an electric fence around my asparagus as Gems's decided she likes to have them all for herself!!
Shoes could not bew left outside but that seems to have have finally settled, as for my gardening gloves or washing for example, Gem will wander past the kitchen window quite happy with something in her rmouth and when I pull her up she drops it and looks at me as if to say, I didn't touch it it was just lying here!! ha-ha
Plants on the front steps had to see most of the year off inside as Gem was constantly trying to pull them out or worse eat them.
She's now 7 months old and just starting to settle into a more adult frame of mind. In the tractor I have to make lunch for me and lunch for her otherwise she isn't happy with a treat, she wants what I have ha-ha
My video in not on utube so I will await your website upgrade in the future and I certainly understand you need to make sure no unaceptable content gets uploaded onto the website.
I was thinking of putting the video on utube but as yet haven't done so as I'm not to tech savvy about that sort of stuff.
Meet Tigga our 3-legged tabby cat and Phoenix our D.A.D. - Diabetic Alert Dog…
They are lovely @querencia. Many thanks for sharing.
I reckon our furry companions are even more precious at the moment during extended lockdowns. It's wonderful to have their unconditional love and be able to laugh at their antics.
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