Going off topic a bit but we had a pair of Pluvers nesting near our work shed, only 20mtrs from the doorway but at least safer than where these birds ...
I remember being part of the conversation when you first posted. It looks great and you have created somewhere for the frogs to spawn with the little ...
@Dave-1 Breaking down the costs is something we constantly did as we were building but it's easier at that stage. Our Limestone blocks cost us $14,000 ...
Thankyou to @Moobersan and yes I love my glass bricks too, still happy I put them in as oposed to a normal window which would then need window coverin ...
@Dave-1 Yes sometimes others have done something that one might not have automaticaly thought of doing, especially in the case of @TheSaltyreefer pro ...
@Dave-1 Sorry Dave, it was a question in your initial comment and not that you intended to use plastic but you asked if plastic might have been used b ...
We built a very custom looking home office out of Flatpack Flexi Storage Built in Wardrobe Units. The entire project took two weekends. Materials3x Fl ...
Here are the before and afters of my 1 bed, 1 bath renovation. It wasn't entirely DIY but I did the demo, rubbish removal, plastering, painted (ceilin ...
I’ve always wanted to have a sliding farmhouse door and the entrance to the pantry seemed the perfect place for it. I bought an old door at the salvag ...
My husband and I transformed our once unused and unsightly brick courtyard into a modern Japanese inspired garden. This is one of my favourite renovat ...
This is a complete overhaul of our early 90’s colonial style laundry into a Mediterranean Farmhouse style, using Kaboodle cabinetry (Alpine - Macaron) ...
As a first home buyer, we were always excited to execute DIYs and give makeover to our home as we wanted. Most of our Kitchen area including cabinets, ...
Going off topic a bit but we had a pair of Pluvers nesting near our work shed, only 20mtrs from the doorway but at least safer than where these birds ...
I remember being part of the conversation when you first posted. It looks great and you have created somewhere for the frogs to spawn with the little ...
@Dave-1 Yes sometimes others have done something that one might not have automaticaly thought of doing, especially in the case of @TheSaltyreefer pro ...
@Dave-1 Sorry Dave, it was a question in your initial comment and not that you intended to use plastic but you asked if plastic might have been used b ...
@Dave-1 Honestly plastic is not the way to go with weeds or gardening in general EVER. So many people think weeds come from underneath and whist that ...
@DIYMum You'vre done an amazing job. That old laundry looked well past it's useby date.Looks fabulous now and I love the tiles.What a transformation a ...
@TheSaltyreefer Outatanding, I've always loved this kind of river bed feature but more importantly to work with the land and not against it.So many ti ...