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How to grow Murraya into a tall hedge?

Finding My Feet

How to grow Murraya into a tall hedge?

Hi all, 


In February 2023 I planted 19 Muraya plants around the border of my garden. The idea here is to grow them to around the size of the fence, and have them as a hedge (fully joined) to block the fence.


When I planted them, I put some compost & cow manure around the plant, a layer of weed mat (to attempt to keep out the kikuyu lawn as it was covered with lawn before digging), and stones as you can see in the photo. Plants on the left are growing stronger than the ones at the back because of more sunlight in autumn.winter, but in Spring/Summer, most of the plants get decent sun. 


I would like some advice on two topics:

1. How can I improve the rate of growth of these plants, they seem to be a little small still, even though they have grown since I planted them. Last Spring & Summer I was giving them a mixture of Seamungus ( & Powerfeed plant food ( every three weeks or so, but stopped in Autumn/Winter.). Should I continue with this, but also add a slow release fertilizer from now? If so, any recommendations?

2. What's the best technique to prune these to ensure they grow into a thick combined hedge? Earlier this week I got electric sheers, took some off the top and back, and a little off the sides too but I don't really have a strategy on how long, and what shape I should be pruning them in to.


Images attached: First 3 current, Last picture was when I first planted it (Feb 2023)


More Shade back of gardenMore Shade back of gardenMore sun left of gardenMore sun left of gardenMurraya Paniculata plantsMurraya Paniculata plantsLeft of garden when first planted (Feb 2023)Left of garden when first planted (Feb 2023)



Re: How to grow Murraya into a tall hedge?


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