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I have this 500-600 mm fall that is needed to obtain the whole occupation certificate. My builder did not consider this during the planning stage and now I am paying the price to address the safety issue.
Is this something that can be easily DIY? Ideally, I want to place a concrete slab on the same level as the existing one. Can I fill this up and place a 100-125 concrete slab that will join the concrete slab to the right and bricks to the left?
- What is the best way to retain the 400-500mm of soil below the new concrete slab?
- What should I put in front of the bricks and tiles so that it won't get damaged?
- Do I need to drill holes in existing slabs and place rio bars to connect the new slab?
Appreciate your replies on this.
Hi @dhanz15
If it were independent of your house, I would probably have suggested building a retaining wall. But, because it is linked to your house and is probably going to get inspected by the council, I suggest engaging the services of another registered builder.
Technically your original builder should have addressed this safety issue. However, if their services are no longer available then you'll need to get another builder as they will build the slab to code.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
How about the gap between the brick and concrete slab at the corner near the left downpipe? Builder just put silicon up to the bottom of the tile. I am seeing pests and water coming inside the gap so not sure if filling up with soil or adding silicone will solve the problem.
Hi @dhanz15,
Where are you seeing pests and water coming inside the gap? Sikaflex 11FC is often used to fill gaps between separate objects as it's a highly flexible polyurethane. However, it sounds like we'd need more context to your question to provide an accurate answer.
In your original post, you mentioned a fall of 500-600mm; is this from the patio down to ground level? If so, it sounds like a railing needs to be installed there. Once the fall risk is resolved, you'll have far more options for making the area look more visually appealing.
Here in this corner
150-200mm gap
Yes, it is 500-600mm drop from patio/landing to ground level. Take note this is not a balcony that we need to put railing all around. This is a side entry/exit path and hence, it needs a step down (200mm step down is acceptable according to certifier). So, I am thinking of DIY:
I am hesitant to put a concrete slab due to downpipes might get damage. Furthermore, if I am going to put 2 x 200mm timber sleepers to retain the filled soil, do I need to put drainage behind sleepers? Or perhaps water will just find its way naturally and will not impact and rot the timber sleepers?
Appreciate your advice.
What about creating a tiered platform deck @dhanz15? You've got slabs and brick to connect your frame into, so if you used 140 x 45mm timber, you wouldn't need posts to span the gap. The decking can easily be cut to fit around the pipework. That way, you'd have a lovely decked platform 200mm down from the tiles, and then you could add another decked step at the front if needed.
Hi @MitchellMc , for the 150-200mm gap, if I use Sikaflex 11FC, will there be any issue with soil contact? Since there is a slight slope, will water come thru it?
Someone suggested in bunnings to use expanding foam to fill the gap but I research that there could be possible moisture build up. Thanks for the advice.
It's a fairly rough and uneven gap, @dhanz15, but the Sikaflex would be the best product for the job. It would hopefully provide a water-resistant barrier.
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