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Hello group, Need your expertise and advice on how can I repair a loosen clothesline bracket as attached? Has any of you experienced this sort of issue and have successfully repaired it?
Hello @gavin16
Welcome to Bunnings Workshop! It would seem that the what ever anchor was holding the bolt in to the brick wall has degraded and has eventually given way and now the bolt has slipped free. I suggest taking one of the bolts out along with the black plastic spacer so that you have a gauge of how deep the hole is and bring it to the shop. In these particular situations I usually suggest using a dynabolt to anchor the entire assembly to the brick wall. Dynabolts can carry a great deal of weight and can tolerate shearing stress as well. I have placed a link below on how to install a fold down clothes line to give you a reference on how you may repair yours. If you feel unsure or confused with the numerous choices make sure to ask one of the friendly staff in the hardware area to help you make the proper choice. Make sure to bring a photo of your clothes line and how it is installed so that the team member can give you full advice on which product to use. If you have any more questions please don't hesitate to post it here and we will try to answer them as best we can.
How To Install A Fold Down Clothesline - DIY At Bunnings
This is a sample of a Dynabolt, make sure to bring your bolt with you for reference.
I am a Bunnings team member. Any opinions or recommendations shared here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Bunnings. Visit the Bunnings website for assistance from the customer service team.
G'day redracer01, How do i remove the loose bolt without having need to remove the other tight ones? Do I just use a spanner and unscrew it?
Hello @gavin16
Yes just use a spanner and remove one bolt. Perhaps use a broom to prop up the laundry line and warn the household not to use it while you attempt repairs. A loud and strong warning should be sufficient so that your popularity rating does not go down.
I am a Bunnings team member. Any opinions or recommendations shared here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Bunnings. Visit the Bunnings website for assistance from the customer service team.
Hi @gavin16,
It's great to see the knowledgeable @redracer01 has assisted you. I just thought I would also add that using the same sized expansion bolt will probably not be sufficient. Since the mortar has been compromised, you need to drill in further and use a longer fixing. I've only realised that these are not Dynabolts as they have a bolt instead of a thread and nut. They are more likely a bolt and loxin arrangement.
A Dynabolt might not fit through the holes drilled in the frame, though you could still use one in a pinch. Go for the next length up than what has already been used. You might need to drill the hole deeper to accommodate. If they've used a Ramset 10 x 100mm DynaBolt Plus Hex Nut Bolt, use a Ramset 10 x 125mm DynaBolt Plus Hex Nut Masonry Anchor instead. If you do use the same sized fixing, perhaps squirt some Ramset 380ml ChemSet 101 Plus in the hole first, as this will glue the Dynabolt in so you have both a mechanical and chemical connection.
Another option would be to glue a Ramset M10 x 130mm Galvanised Anchor Stud into the hole with Ramset 380ml ChemSet 101 Plus.
I suspect that the bottom bolt has been over tightened, which is clear from the crushed spacer. This, accompanied by the weight of clothing over time, could have worked the top bolt loose.
Please let us know how you go and if you need further assistance.
Hi redracer01,
Revisiting my clothesline issue again..I managed to pulled out the bolt & does Bunnings has the worn out black plastic spacer?
Hello @gavin16
If you can remember the model name and brand of your clothesline. The special orders team of your local store should be able to track down a spare part for you. However, you could try to find a similar-sized rubber piece like Adoored 30mm Black Rubber Round Door Stop. You can trim it down to size with a Stanley knife. Did you manage to sort out the mounting issue?
If you have any other questions, please let us know.
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