The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.

Living and Bedroom

Help for living room and bedroom projects
Cultivating a Following
4 replies

There is a window safety restrictor install in all the upper floor windows in my home. Since I don’t have kids living in the house, I want to remove ...

Finding My Feet
1 reply


Finding My Feet
23 replies

Hi all I am wanting to make the below pull up bar for my 8 month old baby. So she can practice standing. For the bar I was going to buy the 12.7m ...

Community Megastar
2 replies

When I had bought the house I found a dip in the loungeroom floor, over time it had became even more noticable and within the last 6 months it had bec ...

Just Starting Out
4 replies

We have purchased a 1973 built home that has timber floorboards under very old carpet. We know removing the carpet will leave a gap between the skirt ...

Just Starting Out
6 replies

How do i attach one of these to the wall

Finding My Feet
3 replies

I'm painting the dining room and need to get rid of this box. It's not been in use for at least 10 years. Can I just cut the wires, or do I need the e ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

I need to install a sliding security latch lock in my bedroom. Which one will be suitable and any advice how to install without damaging the door

Getting Established
4 replies

Hi,  We bought a lamp shade for our ceiling light without thinking about sizing. We have a batten fix on the ceiling and the wire framing of the l ...

Just Starting Out
7 replies

Hi there, I am looking to reduce noise from my next door neighbours in a rental unit. They have 3 kids who runs and jumps around. The stomping echoe ...

Just Starting Out
5 replies

Hi, I need some advice on modifying this loft bed I want to buy from ikea... ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

I have a perfect set of shelves at a local op shop for creating a library in my home. The only thing is there is a cigarette smell. They are orange at ...

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