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Scorpion lounge chair

Cultivating a Following

Scorpion lounge chair

Client presented a picture and said "Make me one like this"
Left to my own devises as to how and what.

Lots of on line research. Plenty of pics but never any 'how to's'.

A lot of head scratching, templates and jigs.

Finally decided to make it into a 'craft' project and plain sailing from there on.

Luckily kept the templates as flood of repeat orders once it had been shown in house.


Macrocarpa slab timber 2 x 1200 x 1000 x 50.






Step 1

Once a design was confirmed it was transferred to the timber base.scorchair plan.jpg

Step 2

Roughing out the blank with the bowl gouge and jig saw.scorchair drafting.jpg

Step 3

Chair base roughed out.Chair side roughed out.Chair side roughed out.Chair side roughed out.Chair side roughed out.

Step 4

Adding details. Chair back "sting".Adding backrest and sting.Adding backrest and sting.

Step 5

Clamping up.Clamping up.Clamping up.

Step 6

Outside for visual inspection. Quality control.In the sunlight for final quality control.In the sunlight for final quality control.

Step 7

Decided to add a complementary foot stool.Roughed out.Roughed out.scstool2.jpgscstool.jpgscstool6.jpg

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Scorpion Lounge Chair

That looks amazing @arfabuck.


I'm intrigued by how you carved out the details on the side of the chair. 


I've used flapper disks with my angle grinder for some basic wood carving, but it certainly wasn't as intricate as this. Did you use power tools, or carve it by hand with a combination of chisels and sanding?


I'm not surprised you've had repeat orders as this is such a fantastic chair.


Thank you for sharing.




Cultivating a Following

Re: Scorpion Lounge Chair

I use this for 90% of my carving now.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Scorpion Lounge Chair

Thanks for the info @arfabuck.


For any of our readers, you can also grab one from our friends at Tool Kit Depot - Arbortech - Ball Gouge - BALFG2000.



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