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I'm painting the dining room and need to get rid of this box. It's not been in use for at least 10 years. Can I just cut the wires, or do I need the electrician to deal with it?
Hi @sezz,
Thank you for your question.
You might like to have a read through the following discussions on the topic - Solved: Remove Phone Jack on wall and What should I do with this old telephone socket?
While the risk of electrical shock from a low voltage phone line is minimal, it is best to consult with a licensed electrician or cabler for their assistance with removing redundant telephone lines.
Allow me to tag @CSParnell and @TedBear for their thoughts.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
As an ex telephone tech, I would just cut them - one wire at a time There won't be any high voltage on them, and probably none at all, but if the same line is feeding your internet connection somewhere else in the house, you don't want to short any wires out. Cutting each wire one by one, up to the outer sheath will ensure that nothing happens.
Other possibility: does it extend to somewhere else in the house?
If so, you'll need to ensure that you reconnect each of the joined wires, as they are now.
@sezz @TedBear @JacobZ if you need to join the cables just make sure you use a gel filled lock it stops corrosion.
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