Becoming a Leader

Computer desk build

20210106_115353.jpeg I thought I share my build for an affordable computer desk as most of us are now working from home. I needed an extended desk to fit into the study but couldn't find anything within my budget. My budget was under $150 for a 2-metre long desk. It's a straightforward build, and anyone can do it. It was my first desk that I have made. 



  • Length 2000mm
  • Depth 500mm
  • Height 790mm

Materials from Bunnings

  • untreated Pine 30 X 70 mm for the frame
  • Brackets for the legs
  • Wood screws
  • Worktop was 2200 x 600 x 26mm
  • Stain Linseed Oil (ikea)
  • Leftover white paint from Dulux (white on white)

Update: It has been six months, and the table is holding up well. I built another computer desk with my son for his room of similar size, and he loves it. 


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Re: Computer desk build

Thank you!

Becoming a Leader

Re: Computer desk build

Hi @Corinney 

It is the ALEX drawer from ikea. Its affordable and can store quite a lot of stationary. 

Re: Computer desk build

Thank you Nham!  Thank you for sharing the information so generously!  I will copy your desk and also purchase the same cabinet!

Best regards


Re: Computer Desk

Well done and thank you for sharing your build. As I was looking for inspiration for a study desk mysrrlf.

Becoming a Leader

Re: Computer desk build

Thank you everyone for your positive comments. Just a quick update, I made another desk with my son and we changed the brackets to Carinya 75x75x25x2.5mm Zinc Plated Angle Bracket - 4 pack. These brackets are much stronger then the previous brackets. We also used a different top as he wanted a lighter colour, it was the rubber wood worktop that Bunnings was selling for $69 and then we painted his frame in Dulux Domino Black (2 coats). The colours go really well in his room and the best part of this build was that my son did most of the work and picked up so life skills. 


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Having an Impact

Re: Computer desk build

What a great desk.Well done!!

Looks super easy.

I love the varnished wood top on the white bottom.

I do nearly all my cabinet and table renos in this style.(I think it's called provincial)

Makes everything look high end

Just saw your son's one. It looks great too.

You've got me all excited.

I want to make one now

Getting Established

Re: Computer Desk

Could i ask how you attached the top to the frame?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Computer Desk

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @lhall. It's fantastic to have you join us, and many thanks for your question on this brilliant project.


Let me mention @Nham to see if they can let us know how they attached the top.


Were you thinking of making something similar to this project? I trust @Nham would be more than happy to provide guidance, and I'd also be pleased to assist.


I'll be looking forward to following along with your project.




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Becoming a Leader

Re: Computer Desk

Hi @lhall,


To attach the bench-top, I just used silicon and then underneath the frame, reinforce with small L-shaped brackets. The brackets keep the top from moving and the silicon acts as the adhesive. Works really well. Good luck with your table, would love to see the finish product. 


Link to brackets


Re: Computer desk build

Thanks @rubytuesday1953 ,


It is super easy, I got the Bunnings crew to cut all the pieces to length and it took me about an hour with my son to build his frame. The painting takes longer and then the top goes on. I think the simple designs are often the best, and we like the provincial look as well. Good luck wth your table:-)

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