Making a Splash

Repainting kitchen fridge

As a result of a very dramatic change in personal circumstances, I am forced to relocate and buy furniture and some appliances. A family member is very kindly giving me an old fridge I can use, however the exterior surface has seen better days and I want to spray paint it in a stainless steel finish/look. Has anyone in the group tried this ? 

Making a Splash

Re: Repainting kitchen fridge

@KevinMall You can buy a product called silver wheels that is used on car wheels, if you spray a clear coat over it afterwards it can come up pretty good 

Re: Repainting kitchen fridge

Thank you @wooshka. I will look at this.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Repainting kitchen fridge

Hi @KevinMall,


It's great to see you've already received some helpful advice from @wooshka.


I believe the White Knight 300g Silver Fridge & Appliance Spray Paint or White Knight 300g Metal Guard Spray Paint - Silver would be the closest look to stainless steel in our range. I would suggest using the White Knight product as it is designed specifically for fridges. As @wooshka has mentioned a clear coat over the top will make it look even better. 


Please let us know if you need further assistance or had questions.




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Re: Repainting kitchen fridge

Thank you Mitchell.

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