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How to upcycle bamboo chairs?

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How to upcycle bamboo chairs?








Hi community, 

thank you for having me here. 

Just got a set of very vintage dining chair but they need big TLC job done as the paint and chair joints start to lose. 
my question is:

1) What products do I need to paint them back like original color. 
2) How to fix the joint between the chairs. 
I attached photos then you can see better. Thank you all 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how to TLC the bamboo dining chair

Hi @Thaobui


To stabilise the joints, you'll need to use PVA glue along with nails or screws to reinforce the structure. Once the joints are secure, you'll want to recreate the original look by binding the corners as they were before. If the chairs originally used bamboo lashing, you’ll need to find a suitable source for it. Alternatively, jute cord can be used to achieve a similar aesthetic.


Once the joints are restored, you’ll want to refinish the chairs with an appropriate varnish. If they’ll be used indoors, an interior varnish will work well, but for outdoor use, an exterior varnish is best. Before applying the varnish, use 240-grit sandpaper to remove any deteriorating or flaking coating to ensure a smooth and even finish. 


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: how to TLC the bamboo dining chair

Hi Mitchell,

thank you so much for the reply. very clear instructions.
Will try and update it here. 
have a nice day. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how to TLC the bamboo dining chair

Keep us updated @Thaobui. Please reach out again if you get stuck or have questions.




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